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You're probably thinking "de, what are you doing releasing another book?"

Well you see, I've had this idea for so long and I'm not really feeling "Inamorato" anymore because I really don't like how it's coming out. "Rising Up" is better but this story idea has been in my head for so long.

I'm excited for it and I hope I can do it right!

As always comments and votes are appreciated!


(SET AROUND 1620's) 

"You really don't know who I am?"

Zayn looked at the man and tilted his head before shaking it, "No idea. Should I?"

The man smiled and shook his head, "No, no you shouldn't."

Or the one where Zayn is a poor boy who runs his 'parents' shop and he unknowingly falls in love with the Prince of England.

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I didn't really remember much about my birth parents. I could faintly picture their eye colour or the shape of their nose but other than that, I drew a blank.

My parents passed away when I was just 4 years old. I'm still not sure how it happened.

I was put into foster care and was there for only a year and a half. At almost 6 years old, I was adopted by a seemingly perfect couple.

Risley and Ivy Malik. They were informed not long before they adopted me that they couldn't have children. Me being almost 6, they considered me a perfect kid for it. I had no problem with it at first. I finally had a room to myself and I had more clothes than imaginable. 

It was when I hit the age of 8 that it all started going downhill. Somehow Ivy had gotten pregnant. I was pushed to the side and treated poorly. I was constantly reminded that I wasn't related to them by blood.

I was moved to the basement and most of my clothes were taken and sold to afford new clothes for their precious baby and just months before I turned 9, their baby was born. They named her Diane (of course the suck-ups would name their only child after the Queen of England's mother.)

She grew up to have a good life. She was treated like royalty by them both and I was treated like scum, much like Cinderella. I was forced to take over the bakery that Risley once ran by himself when I was 17. I spent most of my days in there making fresh bread and other small delights for people.

I had been emotionally destroyed by the people I thought were suppose to love me. So imagine my surprise when I reached the age of 23, and I somehow fell in love with the Prince Of England. 


I was intending for this to be longer but then again I say that every time.

It wasn't really suppose to be long anyway. It's just a little starter to the book.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

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