Chapter 2

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I never mentioned it but this is most likely gonna be a SHORT STORY. I don't do well with long books. I literally will lose focus on long books. My attention span for them is extremely short.

Which is why I never have posting schedules because I could never follow them. I write chapters when I'm in the mood for them. Luckily I adore this book so chapters shouldn't be posted about twice a month, they'll be posted more.

Dedicated to drizzykilam for being the first comment!

Y'all are spoiled BTW. You got two updates today 😂

Words: 1823 (Be happy, I debated about ending it at 1k words.)


"Where in god's name is my breakfast? Zayn! ZAYN!"

Zayn was awoken to the loud shrieking of his 'mother and sister' in the dining room. He glanced out of the window to see the sun almost in the middle of the sky.

'Almost mid-day already? I am screwed. They are going to kill me and burn the body.'

He wasted no time shoving his worn-out pants on and shoving his feet into his shoes. He ran his fingers through his messy and tangled hair before dashing up the stairs, taking a few seconds to catch his breath before walking into the kitchen.

The two witches were sitting at the dining room table with empty plates and glasses. There was a fresh loaf of bread sitting in the middle along with a large container of water in between. 

Zayn resisted the urge, although it was practically impossible, to roll his eyes. It would only be his family to sit with empty plates and glasses when there is food and water sitting right in front of them.

'But Zayn, they are too high up on the social latter to do any physical work.'

"Mother, sister, how did you sleep?" He went with the natural approach as he walked into the room to start slicing the bread and pouring them some water.

"Quite well if I do say so. I had a wonderful dream of our dear Diane here marrying a handsome prince and bringing wealth into the family. My morning was lovely until I came in to eat and there was no food on my table and water in my glass."

The sneer in her voice could not have been more prominent than at that exact moment.

Zayn sighed to himself and placed perfectly sliced pieces of bread onto their plates and stood straight again. "Eggs this morning?"

"Is that even a question? God, you could not get any more uneducated. We eat eggs every morning you impertinent fool," his daring, sweet, and caring sister said.

"Oh nice use of impertinent darling. You are really catching up on your vocabulary," Ivy cooed.

With a more obvious eye roll, Zayn turned and left the dining room to go outside and gather some eggs.

"Hurry, Zayn. We have important people to impress in a few hours. And do not even think of sneaking some food in, you do not deserve it for making us wait."

He walked out of the house a bit faster and clenched his fist tighter.

'They are not worth it. They are not worth it. They are no-'

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