Chapter 3

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There's so many of you who deserve a dedication but I'm gonna dedicate this to ziameternally because they are always in my notifications. Thank you!

Writing in 3rd POV is extremely tiring for me so from now on it'll be from Zayn's. I might switch it up. (I also might go back through the other chapters and change them to Zayn's POV.)

Words: 1533 [ Ya'll are gonna hate me for the ending ;) ]



"You want to know everything about me?" Drew looked shocked and his eyes were wide.

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips and I shook my head. "I did not mean everything. I meant it as whatever you are willing to tell me. I will tell you more about myself also, if you want."

He titled his head back and closed his eyes before sighing and nodding. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

"What is your family like? As you can tell, I am not to fond of mine." I let my feet leave the surface of the ground under the water and continued to float.

It was silent for a moment. "I never had the chance to get to know my father. He passed away when I was just 4. I grew up with my younger sister and my mother. My grandparents were never around much either. I see my mother's side of the family much more. They live with us but seclude themselves to a different part of the house."

"I am sorry," I whispered.

"Do not feel the need to apologize, I have been dealing just fine. I consider myself lucky to have my mother," he brushed it aside, "anyway, tell me about your family."

"My family is a mess. I was adopted when I was much younger. At first I adored them. I had a bigger room and more clothes than imaginable. It was everything I had ever wanted," I let my feet float back to the ground and I looked to the forest, saddened. "Then Ivy got pregnant with Diane. They took my room and turned it into a nursery and sent me to the basement. Most of my better clothes were taken and sold to supply clothes for their new, precious child.

"It never really bothered me much. Sure, I was hurt that I no longer had the love I desired as a child but I learned to deal with it. I know I am lucky to have a house to live in and even the clothes on my back. I can deal with my parents and poor living conditions because not everyone around here can say the same thing. And I even deal with them treating me as a slave. And as for grandparents, I have never met my real parents parents nor my grandparents from my adopted parents."

"What happened to your birth parents?"

His question shocked me but I just shook my head. "I have no idea. They passed away when I was much younger. I do not really remember them." I shook my head, "Anyway, tell me about your favorite book and why you adore it."

"I actually loved Romeo and Juliet. I know it sounds cliché but the plot was not bad. I think the idea of the book was well on point. Though I do believe the concept of how fast they came to love was completely and unbelievably false. I do not think anyone could love as fast as they did. But the whole idea of dying for the one you love, it was romantic and it spoke to me," a faint smile fell across his face and his answer had shocked me.

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