Chapter Twenty-One

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Benedict's POV

"So let me get this straight: You are an alien."

"Yes," the Doctor nods, and Ian's face contorts.

"Will you stop interrupting? I'm not finished." The Doctor bristles and mutters something under his breath.

"You are an alien. You are a time traveler."

"Time Lord." He just couldn't help himself.

"I told you to shut up!" I stop him before he can get his hands on the Doctor.

"Ian, breathe," I calm, and he looks at me wildly. "It's alright. I know this is difficult, but please be patient."

"He's not exactly making it very easy!" Ian accuses. The Doctor scowls.

"Excuse me if I don't appreciate being tied up and interrogated. I'm not exactly used to people not taking my word as fact." Ian throws his hands up in the air.

"This is useless."

"Hear him out, Ian," I insist, because even though this is the most bizarre story, I believe it. I should. I'm part of it.

Ian takes a few deep breaths and looks back up at the Doctor again.

"You're a Time Lord." The Doctor nods appreciatively, but wisely keeps his mouth shut. "You're older self picked Benedict up in the space ship-"

"It's called a TARDIS-"

"- and then dropped him off here. Now you're saying that this planet is riddled with aliens called Lumaros, and that they are the Soldiers."

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Did you see their armor?" Veronica pipes in. "I didn't recognize it. It seemed completely foreign."

"Well, they're made by aliens, so-"

"You really don't learn, do you?" Ian says wearily, but makes no move to reprimand the Doctor. There's a long pause, which I break.

"You know he's right," I whisper, but Ian just looks at me. "You know he's telling the truth. There is no other logical explanation."

"This explanation isn't exactly logical, either." He shakes his head. "How did this happen? How is it possible?"

"I don't know how it happened. I just know that it did." Ian looks to Veronica, almost as if he's looking for guidance, but she quickly looks away.

"Just give me some time. I'm going to go check on the others and - Christy..." Ian stands.

"You don't have much time. You must decide soon." The Doctor looks at Ian sympathetically.

"What am I deciding? What if I don't want to?" Ian looks at Veronica. "You said yourself. Maybe I'm not fit to lead. Maybe my judgment is clouded because I'm worried for Christy." Veronica's eyes cloud.

"You're not the only one whose judgment is clouded. The only one who has people they care about," she whispers bitterly. "You're a leader. You can't just back off because now you have a family. You have to look out for the good of everyone. I'm not going to let you pull us all down with you." She shakes her head, then looks to the Doctor. "I may not believe everything quite yet, but I'm willing to work with you."

"You can't just make that decision, Nica-"

"I can and I will." Her eyes are cold; hard. "The Doctor knows how these Soldiers work. He knows what they do. And he can help us destroy them. I choose him."

I realize that these words carry a much heavier weight then what is perceived. Hurt flickers across Ian's face, but he covers it up quickly.

"Then we follow the Doctor." A pause.

"Excellent! Let's get to work." Nobody moves. "Err, could someone please untie me?" I move to cut his bonds.

"Doctor, I suggest you cool the enthusiasm before Ian murders you." The Doctor's eyes dance.

"Nothing can curb this excitement. I saved you, Mr. Benedict. Probably because you play a large role in this upcoming war. It should be great fun to work alongside you." I roll my eyes, unbelieving.

"The pleasure is all mine." The Doctor hears the sarcasm in my voice and scowls.

"I'll have you know that I am in high demand. People all around the universe-"

"Yes, I'm sure they would all love to experience your skills in battle firsthand."

"Well, I don't have the kind of skills that you're thinking." I sigh.

"As long as these skills help us win, I don't mind."

Can't Love You {Sequel to "Not Sherlock Holmes"}Where stories live. Discover now