Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Benedict's POV

"Nica!" She falls into my arms and I prop her up. "Somebody help!" The sound of running feet behind me follows, and a gasp.

"I'm calling an ambulance." The feet retreat, and I remain here with Veronica. I lay her gently on the ground and then gather her up in my arms, brushing hairs from her face.

"Nica, Nica, Nica," I whisper, trying to bring her back. Her eyes had just rolled back into her head and she had gone limp. It was terrifying.

Was this a result of her memories coming back? Are these the side affects that the Doctor had warned me about? He had said that it would be hard on anybody, but for her, maybe worse.

After all, she had died.

I freeze. What if this means she'll die now? I can't bear the thought. I hold her tighter and wait, praying that she'll be okay.

The ambulance arrives about 15 minutes later, and the paramedics are carefully rolling her into their vehicle. One stops me before I can follow.


"You will let me on that ambulance right now, or so help me, I will have you fired."

He allows me to pass, believe it or not.

I ride next to Veronica to the hospital, and I hold her hand the whole way.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Not sure yet," one of them says. "She could have just passed out, but we don't want to take the chance. She wasn't feeling badly before she collapsed, was she?" I shake my head.

"She seemed completely fine to me." The woman nods.

"Let's hope that she still is."


I sit in the waiting room, having been ushered here after the ambulance arrived. Someone runs in, and I look up, surprised to see Ian.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. He works here, and he'll probably have heard that Veronica is here, too.

"Hello, yes, excuse me. I work here, and you have a patient back there that I need to see." The woman behind the desk lazily looks up.

"What's their name?"

"Veronica Blake," Ian says, leaning on the counter, looking distraught. The receptionist shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, you can't see her at this time. The doctor is with her." Ian straightens up.

"Please? Let me in? Please, I need to get in there-"

"No, you don't." He tries to calm down, then looks back to the woman.

"Is she awake?" She nods.


"Well, is she alright?" The woman purses her lips.

"I don't know yet. Please sit down and wait." I stand and go to Ian, who looks like he's about to begin arguing again.

"It's alright, just come sit down." Ian's eyes widen, and he points at me.

"You. What are you doing here?" I try to appear natural.

"I was with her when she collapsed." He gapes.


"We were together, we were talking-"

"Yes, but WHY?" I shake my head.

"Now may not be the best time for this." Another figure runs into the waiting room, and it's my turn to gape.

"Ian! Oh gosh, I came as soon as I could. I'm so sorry." Ian seems to calm considerably as he turns to hug the young woman, and she rubs his back comfortingly. Then she looks at me.

"You're Benedict Cumberbatch?" Her brow is furrowed. I nod.

"Yes, Veronica and I are friends." Now her eyebrows are raised.


"Yes, please explain. I'd like to hear," Ian says in an icy voice. Instead, I go to shake the woman's hand.

"It's good to meet you, hi. You must be Ian's girlfriend?" Ian bristles, but the woman offers me a tentative smile.

"Yes, I am. My name's Christy, it's good to meet you, as well." I smile. Now I turn to Ian.

"Now is not the time to explain. I'm worried about Veronica-"

"You think you're the only one?!" he explodes.


"No, seriously, why are you here? I'd really like to know. You're not Nica's friend. Why would you lie?"

"Friends and family of Veronica Blake?" The three of us step forward quickly, and Ian's tirade is interrupted. "Does Veronica have any parents?" Ian speaks up.

"She does, she has a mother. I called her already, and she should be here any moment." Ian casts me a withering look.

"Well, there have been some... complications," the nurse begins, and my heart drops.

"Complications?" Ian's face now contorts. The nurse nods sadly.

"Yes, we're worried about possible brain damage. She seems delusional. She's talking about strange things-"

"Let me see her," Ian demands, and I back up, allowing him to go first. I sink into a chair and cover my face.

Is she forever damaged? Because I kissed her?

I wait. And wait. And wait. For what feels like forever. I've aged 20 years. I've destroyed Veronica. I've destroyed her. I've turned her into a mindless lunatic.

Finally, Ian returns, and Christy runs to him. Ian looks devastated, and he approaches me, Christy linked onto his arm.

"If you really do care about her," Ian begins. "You won't want to go in there."

"Why is that?" I ask, my voice sounding strained.

"Because she's just babbling. About crazy things. Aliens, time machines. She was asking about you, though, so..." I know Ian expects me to be distressed by these news, but instead, I am ecstatic. I jump up.

"Where is she?"


"Where is she?" I repeat, and he sighs.

"Follow me."

He leads me through the door which he had just come through moments ago and through stark white corridors.

Her door is closed. Ian stops.

"I assure you, this is a bad idea." I look at Ian, trying to hide my excitement. I shake his hand.

"You're a good man, Ian. I'm proud of you. And Veronica loves you." Ian looks perplexed, and he's speechless for a moment.

"Thank you," he says finally, and for a moment, I think he may remember everything. But it goes away, and he takes off back through the halls toward his love.

I turn the handle and I walk inside.

Can't Love You {Sequel to "Not Sherlock Holmes"}Where stories live. Discover now