I: The Script

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four things to note before the chapter:
1) i decided to change the title of the book from 'the script' to 'scripted' (but this chapter is called 'the script')
2) the first few chapters are going to be a bit short, but it will get longer once we start getting into the plot
3) i don't really know the process of auditioning/filming a movie so i'm just basing it out of research and how i think it works lol so please bear with me
4) and lastly, your girl turned 20 last fridayyyyyy woot woootttt, i'm an adult, adult now :P yet even though I am 20 and I live away from home for 2/3s of the year (because of uni), my mom still doesn't want me coming home late at night (when i am home) looool :P


I: The Script

"Did you get a callback from your last audition?" Eileen whispered to me as we sat on either end of my sofa, our legs piled on top of each other. I shook my head and looked behind to see if my dad was listening into the conversation. Luckily, he was all the way in the kitchen helping mom with dinner. "Aww, I'm sorry, Char. I'm sure you're going to get a job soon."

"I hope so, Ellie," I sighed. "I'm getting stressed. I graduated four months ago and I still don't have a job yet. My dad is getting impatient too, I'm just waiting for him to say that I should go back to school to have a 'real career'," I used my fingers as quotation marks as I rolled my eyes. Eileen put her hand on my leg and rubbed it reassuringly.

"You just haven't found the right script yet. But it will come, I promise you."

"Thanks," I gave her a small, appreciative smile.

"Girls, dinner's ready," mom yelled out.

"Okay, thanks," we called back. We went into the kitchen and washed our hands before sitting down at the dining table with my parents.

Mom and dad cooked chicken souvlaki, rice, salad, and mashed potatoes for dinner. My stomach grumbled from the look and smell of the food. I put a bit of each on my plate, suddenly growing nervous since my dad was oddly quiet. I looked at Eileen and we gave each other a look.

"So, what did you girls do earlier today?" My mom asked us.

"I went to my improv class in the morning and then afterwards we had lunch downtown," I started off before putting some chicken and rice in my mouth.

"Then we went to Pursuit—the cool obstacle course place— and we just came back a few hours ago," Eileen finished off.

"That's nice," mom smiled at us. I looked at dad and mentally groaned from the expression on his face.

"Charlie," he began. I took a deep breath. "I am saying this because I'm concerned about you. I am just being realistic—it's hard to get a job in the acting industry—"

"Stuart," my mom warned him. I gave her a thankful look. My mom is always supportive of me and my decisions. I understood where my dad was coming from, but I needed to know he believed in me because I needed that support and motivation. "It's only been four months, give it more time. I know she will get a job soon, I can feel it." Mom placed her hand on mine and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm just saying that you could still go back to school, you're still young."

"So how's your blog going, Eileen?" Mom asked to change the subject.

"Oh, it's going great, thanks for asking! I took lots pictures at Pursuit today so I'm going to make a blog post out of that." Ellie smiled. She started her blog seven years ago and it's really successful if I say so myself.

Ellie is basically my sister. We grew up together. We met in elementary school from being in the same class and we instantly became best friends. And ever since then we're tied at the hip. Wherever I was, Ellie was probably with me, and vice versa. 

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