XI: Campfire

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i just wanted to say that i (finally) watched 'love, simon' and omg i cried so much because i totally relate to how simon felt before he was out (because i'm not out to my family). and i loved it so much i'm currently listening to the soundtrack as i write this chapter haha

also in this chapter, i am gonna mention a certain tv show, so if you watch it, please don't spoil anything in the comments! :)


XI: Campfire

I sat on the sofa near the fireplace with a big mug of green tea in my hands and a fuzzy blanket wrapped tight around me. I was freezing and I did indeed catch a cold. All I wanted at that moment was to have a fire burning in the fireplace, but I had never made a fire before and I was not going to try to make one. Burning the house down was one of my greatest fears. So I just had to bundle up and drink warm drinks.

My laptop was on my lap, my earphones were propped in my ears, and my feet were rested up on the comfy sofa. I had no idea what to do, so I decided to catch up on the most recent episodes of a TV show I was absolutely in love with: This Is Us. I was three episodes behind on Season 2 since I would always be too mentally exhausted and drained after filming to watch them.

I had a box of tissues ready beside me because I already knew I was going to cry in each episode, especially since Ellie told me that those three episodes were the most intense and saddest ones out of all the episodes in both seasons. And I was correct. With each episode that I watched, my cries got harder and harder and eventually turned into full on sobs. I cried the most in the second episode since it was the Super Bowl episode. I was an absolute mess. Multiple times, I had to pause the show to try to pull myself together. But of course, that tactic didn't work.

Halfway through the third episode, I found myself crying once more just from one simple comment that a character said. I let out a sob and hit the space button on my keyboard so I could grab a tissue to blow my nose. I looked up and saw Harry finally coming downstairs.

"Jesus Christ. What the fuck is going on with you?"

"I-I'm watching a s-show," I said, my voice shakey as I tried to stop crying.

"I heard a noise but I didn't know that was you. What kind of fucking show makes someone cry for two whole hours?!"

"'This Is Us'."

"Oh... Yeah, I think Gemma watches that show."

"Gemma?" I properly looked at him. He was standing at the base of the stairs with his hands in the pockets of his grey sweats.

"Oh," he coughed. "Yeah, Gemma is my sister. But what is it about the show that makes everybody cry?" He quickly changed the subject.

"The fucking plot," my eyes teared up once more as I looked back at my screen. "The characters, the writing. It just really tugs on your heartstrings and messes with your emotions."

"What is it about?"

"It's about family, relationships, and different types of personal struggles that people go through." There was so much more I wanted to say about the show, but I was so emotionally wrecked that I couldn't think straight.

"Hmm..." He simply said with a purse of his lips.

"What? You think it's lame?"

"Kind of." I rolled my eyes and wiped my tears away.

"I think you would like it," I honestly said.

"I don't watch those types of shows."

"Maybe not, but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't like it. You should give it a shot. I wouldn't mind rewatching the first episode with you." I don't know why I offered because it wasn't like Harry would actually want to watch it with me if he decided to give the show a try. 

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