II: The Audition

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II: The Audition

"We're in New York, baby!" Eileen shouted as loud as she could with her arms wide open.

"Oh my gosh, shhh!" I laughed, apologizing to the people besides us.

"What? Char, you've got to live a little," she nudged me.

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing?!" We were standing on the top of the Rockefeller Center, on the Observation Deck, 70 floors up. And I'm petrified of heights. So if this wasn't living a little, I didn't know what was.

"Touché," she said and started laughing like a lunatic. Again, I had to apologize to everyone around us. "But you've got to admit, it's fucking beautiful up here."

"It is, as long as I don't look down."

We arrived in New York City in the early morning so we could spend a whole day roaming around the city. We visited Time's Square, Madame Tussauds museum, and did a lot of shopping on Fifth Avenue. We ate lunch at Five Guys since we love hamburgers, but we decided to go a bit fancier for dinner since we were in New York after all. And afterwards, we decided to go to the Rockefeller Center to see the sunset.

The sky was clear, an array of beautiful colours filling the sky. The sky was literally a rainbow, it was so beautiful. And being the proud queer girls that we are, we decided to take a lot of pictures (of us with the sky, and just the skyline by itself).

We had a whole 360-degree view of New York City. We were able to see Central Park, the Empire State building, the other beautiful skyscrapers, the Hudson River and the East River, and Midtown Manhattan. It was truly a beautiful view.

We went back to the hotel after we were done exploring the Rockefeller Center. We both wished we could have had more time to go around the city, but did have a bit more free time the next day after I finished my auditions and before our flight back to Toronto later in the day.

Ellie and I ordered some food and drinks from room service while watching some comedy movies on my laptop in our pyjamas to make me feel less nervous. We went for a classic, Bridesmaids since that movie never gets old. I occasionally looked at my script, going over my lines to make sure I was prepared for tomorrow.

My phone rang as I was eating my pancakes. I was expecting it to be my mom calling, but instead, it was Josh. I automatically answered, my stomach suddenly sick with nerves.

"Hi, Josh," I squeaked out as Ellie paused the movie and took a huge bite of her pizza.

"Hey, Charlie. How are you feeling?"

"Reallyyyyy nervousssss." He laughed.

"That's good though! That means you really want to do well. And I'm sure you will. Just make sure you know your lines and do the best you can. As I said before, they're looking for a new face for this role."

"Thank you. I really need that right now."

"Oh, there's another thing that I wanted to tell you though. Someone already got casted to play Edward."

"Oh, really? Who is it?"

"Harry Styles." My mouth dropped open.

"Harry Styles?" I asked, not believing my ears. Ellie looked at me with wide eyes. The fucking Harry Styles? She mouthed at me.

"That's right," Josh replied. I nodded my head at Ellie with my mouth still slightly parted. "Do you have any other questions about the audition tomorrow?"

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