VIII: Locked Out

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[gif] harry's such a dork wtffff 😩😍


VIII: Locked Out

Prank week definitely changed the dynamic between Harry and me. We were certainly still not friends or anywhere close to it but we started to express our hatred for each other in a different fashion. Before, we would yell at each other whenever we were alone and no one else was around. But now, we purposely annoyed the other person in front of anyone and everyone. To them, it looked like we were being friendly, but Harry and I didn't do friendly.

Like now, for instance.

Harry and I finished eating dinner and we got called back on set to continue working. As we were waiting to start rehearsals, Derek was talking to Harry and me about the scene and Harry decided to sling his arm around my shoulder all casually. I desperately wanted to shove his arm away, but I couldn't do that without it looking rude. And Harry knew that. And as we were waiting for the crew to finish setting up, Harry pulled his phone out with the front camera open, ready to take a picture at any moment. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him under my breath, an edge to my tone.

"It's the third week of filming and I still haven't posted a picture of us on Instagram yet." I let out a heavy exhale through my nose and complied because Harry already had to start promoting the film on social media and. So I tilted my head towards him and curved my lips upward in the most sincere smile I could possibly muster. I looked at Harry's phone screen and saw him grinning widely with his teeth showing before taking the picture. "Thanks, babe," he winked at me with his famous smirk on his lips. "I'm excited for our kissing scene coming up."

"I am too," I sarcastically replied back. 

"Okay, let's start rehearsals please," Derek called out.

I set my script on my chair and walked onto the set. I finally had the chance to look around and my mouth dropped in awe from all the decorations. I already had an image of how this scene would look since I read the book, but seeing it with my own eyes... It surpassed all my expectations.

In this scene, Edward and Joelle have their first proper date. It's at Edward's house and he transformed his living room into a huge fort. The floor in front of the sofas was layered in duvets and blankets with lots of pillows scattered around. White sheets were attached from the ceiling to the sides of the sofa to create a tent. Fairy lights also hung from the ceiling, giving the room a nice cozy and romantic atmosphere. Two bowls of pasta were on the coffee table along with popcorn and candy. It looked so aesthetically pleasing and adorable.

"Wow, this set looks amazing," I said with amazement. I looked at the crew behind the scenes, seeing they wore accomplished smiles on their faces.

"Holy crap," Harry said with astonishment when he stepped on the set.

"I know, they did an amazing job. It's exactly how I envisioned it," Derek said with a smile.

"Me too," I added.

Harry and I were so in awe that we took a few pictures of the set with our phones before we started the rehearsals. We learned our marks and went through our lines. When it came to the kiss, I felt my heart beating hard in my chest with nerves since there were about twenty people watching behind the scenes.

Harry and I were looking at each other with tender eyes and slowly leaned forward. I saw a smirk on Harry's face and I thought it was because he was trying to act smug, but later found out by his giggles that he just found this situation amusing. I continued leaning forward and when our lips were just a mere centimetre apart, Harry burst into even more giggles.

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