1. You

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(The beginning of this chapter will just be an introduction of you and your circumstances/environment).

You sit on your bed with a large blue blanket draped over your shoulders. A chilling breeze blew past you from a crack in the wall, causing you to shiver. The village hidden in the night was always cold due to it being underground and the fact that there is no light.

You lived in a small, rundown apartment by yourself, since your parents had given you up as soon as you were born. Unfortunately, you had never known anything about them besides the fact that your mother died while giving birth.

Unwanted, you were raised in an orphanage with many other parent-less children. But it was more like a zoo than an orphanage, everyone, including the children, treated you as if you were scum. Every time someone would look at you, you would be able to see the disgust on their faces and how much they hated you, but it wasn't something that bothered you. You hated them also.

That is with the exception of one person, the Yorukage, the leader of your village. She was a very kind and compassionate woman, giving you the love and comfort you longed for as a child without parents or friends. She paid for your necessities, a generous and kind-hearted woman she was. Unfortunately, she became very weak and ill as she grew older and last week, she tragically passed away.

The next in line to become Yorukage was her son, a horrid man who didn't resemble his kind-hearted mother at all. Rather, he was power-hungry and violent, using cutthroat ways to get what he wanted. He had always hated you and you, him. And he couldn't wait to take over the village. The idea of having a tailed beast at his disposal gave him sick fantasies of war and destruction. How he would love to bend people's will by unleashing certain doom on them all. He saw you only as a weapon, a mere possession and the villagers felt that way too, only cowering when you were facing them.


It was a cold Saturday morning and you weren't ready for it. You sluggishly got up and changed into your ninja gear. A black, long-sleeved shirt with a black skirt and fishnet tights. On your feet, you wore black sandals and had several colorful bracelets wrapped around your left ankle. You stood, freezing in place when you sensed an unfamiliar chakra. Grabbing a kunai from the pouch that rested on your hip, you got into a battle stance. You gritted your unusually sharp teeth as you approached the kitchen. You found it not only surprising but frightening also. One of the ANBU of your village stood in your kitchen whilst holding up a large cardboard box. You didn't release your stance or weapon.

"Who sent you!?" you barked. He responded immediately, his voice deep and croaky.

"Lady Yorukage."

You retracted your stance and stood up straight, returning your kunai to its pouch before slowly approaching the ANBU. Without hesitation, he handed you the box.

"It was Lady Yorukage's dying wish for this box to be delivered to you," he stated. Nodding, you watched as the ANBU gave a quick bow before rushing over to your open kitchen window and jumping out of it, disappearing into the darkness. Tears formed in your eyes as you thought about Lady Yorukage and everything she had done for you over the years. You tried to push them back since it hurt too much to think about it. Placing the box on your dining table and lifting the lid off, you opened it.

The first thing that caught your eye was a pair of bladed fans, the black metal blades decorated with beautiful pink cherry blossoms. Along the blade, it read 'The blood of a true Kunoichi' and next to that was a letter.

To my dearest (Y/n)
I know that my time will soon be up and so this is why I write to you. I must've passed because those were my instructions to the ANBU. Inside this box, there are many different items, most belonging to your mother and father. As you know, your mother is gone but your father still lives. You must find him, leave this village immediately. My son will be named the new Yorukage and will only use you, do not let him do so. This village has terrible secrets and as the Yorukage it was my duty to make sure that they didn't get into the hands of anyone unworthy.

In this box will be a pair of bladed fans, they were your mother's when she was a Kunoichi, it uses its wielder's and opponent's blood as a power-up. Also, there is a locket, this locket contains a powerful jutsu which summons the spirit of a loved one. Once the spirit is summoned it will stay until its task is complete, whether it is to save a friend or a lover, it will help. But it will only work if you are in serious trouble and it will come out by its self, it cannot be forced. That is my gift to you.

The large item is a blanket which belonged to your mother while she was pregnant, your father gave it to me to then give to you. Then there is the land scroll, a very rare artifact developed by your father. Within the scroll is a whole other world which is only accessible by the user. And lastly is a photo of your family. Your mother, your father, your mother's twin sister, her partner and two unborn babies. This picture was taken before you were even born and I hope that one day you will find the other child. He or she will be around your age now so do go and try to find them. I want you to be safe, please promise me that you will. You have become a very beautiful, talented young Kunoichi, your parents would be proud.

As you continue your journey away from the village, you will learn more and more about yourself. Please do not worry, everything happens for a reason. Keep all of these items safe and with you at all times. Now it is time for me to say my final goodbye. I look forward to seeing you in the afterlife, but please do not come so soon. I believe in you (Y/n), you are the child of prophecy. The savior of humanity, you mustn't give in. I will always be here.

Love Lady Yorukage

Tears were now running down your face as you read the letter over and over again. She believed in you, that you weren't a burden but a child of prophecy. You pulled the rest of the items out of the box, first the locket, which you tied around your neck. Next, the blanket which you hugged tightly. The scroll and then finally the photo. It was an image of two men and two women. The men stood on the outer sides of the photo and the women held hands in the middle. They were both pregnant and their smiling faces made your chest feel warm. You smiled seeing that this was your family, the ones who would always be there for you. You scanned the image as you returned to your room, looking down at your parents, then at your mother's sister and her partner, then finally at her stomach.

"I promise I will find you," you whispered, hugging the photo close to your chest. You closed your eyes as you lay back down on your bed. Snuggling into your parent's blanket, you slowly drifted off to sleep.


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