The reunion

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I don't own any characters(Megumi is the only one I own). All the credit goes to the creator of KnB. Enjoy reading. (P.S. Chapter has been edited).

"Oh my gosh, it feels so nice to finally be free after 10 long hours in a crowed plane." I say as I walked towards the information booth in the middle of the air port. "Excuse me can you tell me how to get to Seirin high school from here?" I asked the lady standing there making her jump as she had not seen me...figures.

She turned around and looked at me for a second in shock before saying, "You gave me a fright. I'm sorry dear, what was you question again?" she asked politely while giving me a warm smile.

"Can you tell me how to get to Seirin high school from here?" I reiterated politely.

"There's a bus that can take you there that leaves in about 15 minutes, would you like a ticket?" She asked while typing something into her computer, probably pulling up the scheduling details for said bus.

"Yes please, that would be great!" I said as I took out my wallet.

After paying for and receiving my ticket, I walked towards the exit all the while pulling my shoulder length baby blue hair into a pony tail and through the hole on my baseball cap. I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was going and I ended up bumping into someone and falling over.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" Said the brown haired boy that I had ran into. He was quick to help me up and hand me my phone. "You dropped this." he said before also reaching down and picking up my bag that fell with me.

I quickly put my phone in the back pocket of my navy blue skinny jeans and whispered a quick 'sorry' and 'thank you' to them before grabbing my bag and running to the bus stop.

I had waited about 5 minutes be fore the bus inevitably arrived. It took around 45 minutes for the bus to arrive and when it finally reached Seirin high, I got out and headed towards their gym. 'I wonder if Tet-nii will recognize me' I thought to myself as I walked towards the gym of the school. It had been two years since I had last seen my brother, so I was glad to be home finally.

Kuroko P.O.V.

"Kuroko pass me the ball." Kagami yelled to me as he ran towards the hoop.

Izuki passed me the ball which I then passed to Kagami who ran towards the hoop and dunked it. After, he walked over to me and ruffles my hair saying something along the line of 'good job'. We were having a practice game because our coach, Riko, thought it would be good to practice a little harder for the up coming inter-high

"Please stop that Kagami." I said because, as always, he was pushing down on my head to hard.

"Sorry Kuroko." He said as he rubbed the back of his head and gave me a sheepish smile in apology.

Megumi P.O.V.

I pushed the gym doors open and walked through them, but no one noticed me. They were too caught up in their game to see someone had walked in; well that and the fact that I have no presence.

I quietly made my way to the girl standing near the benches on the side of the court keeping score and taped on her shoulder while asking, "Um, excuse me is there a Kuroko here?", which caused her to jump away and scream catching the attention of the others., pausing their game.

"Um...ah...who were you looking for...?" she asked as she straightened herself.

"Is there a Kuroko Tetsuya here?" I asked expressionless, as usual.

"Kuroko, you have a visitor." the girl said and my brother walked out from behind the crowd of tall guys.

I quickly ran up to him, arms wide open, and threw myself at him in a big hug. "Tet-nii!" I exclaimed as I closed my arms around him which made us stumble back and those around us looked stunned.

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