Chapter 6

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I woke up to the bright Hawaiian sun shining in my eyes, just as I had for the past two weeks. Since my first night here, I've tried to stay clear of Justin. Once in a while we make awkward eye contact, so I just try to not look at him at all. This, mind you, isn't the easiest thing to do when I spend most of my day with him and Ryan. Since I've been trying to avoid Mr. Pop Star, I've gotten to know the other seven people staying at the beach house very well.

Pattie treats me like the daughter she always wanted. For the past few days we've been having breakfast together in the mornings, since everyone else seems far too busy or grumpy in the mornings. She's full of interesting stories and she is a huge inspiration. Carin, Scooter's girlfriend, sometimes joins us for breakfast too. It's good she does join us, because I hardly ever see her besides breakfast- she's always shopping.

Kenny is the one who drives us everywhere, because he has to go everywhere Justin goes anyways. He's hilarious and the Uncle/Nephew relationship he and Justin have is really cute. Kenny seems like one of the few people Justin actually trusts besides Ryan, Scooter, and Pattie. Alfredo hangs out with Ryan, Justin, Kenny, and I a lot too. He always has a video camera in hand to "document this summer" he says he'll edit all the videos at the end and Justin's fans go crazy for videos of Justin's more personal life. Scooter is always busy, but he hasn't missed a single group dinner yet, which sort of surprised me at first that he makes time for dinner with everyone.

The Beadles' seem to have their own schedule. Caitlin and I haven't really held a real conversation yet, besides the subtle "excuse me" when we try to pass each other sometimes. She spends her whole day by the pool behind the beach house, tanning. I was kind of disappointed we haven't really become friends yet, she's my age and it'd be easier to talk to a girl my age then Ryan or Justin, or even Christian. If I want to communicate with a girl my age, I have to call my best friend, Allie, at awkward times to make the time zone differences work, since she's back home in Canada.

Christian, unlike his sister, has made an effort to be nice to me. When Justin goes to film his movie, and Ryan goes with him, I stick around the beach house and Christian and I spend hours jumping off the landing into the ocean. He's a few years younger than me, so our relationship has grown into a brother/sister type thing. And trust me, I'm not going to pull a Selena and start to have feelings for Christian (okay that was mean, but I had to just make that clear).

"Karsyn, you need to come with Justin and me today, the film set is so cool!" Ryan walked into our room, he always wakes up before me.

"Nah, I'm good. I was planning on sticking around here today." I got up out of bed and watched as Ryan changed into basketball shorts and a t-shirt paired with some Supras.

"That's what you've been doing ever since we got here. Please come with us."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, what could it hurt. "Fine, I'll go." I hopped off the bed and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I blew dry my hair and didn't bother to straighten it. The sun and humidness would just ruin it, so I left it natural. People say my hair looks like Miley Cyrus' hair when I leave it natural. I slipped on a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top on, pairing the outfit with a light white jean jacket and white sandals. Ryan took my hand once I walked out of the bathroom, and we walked outside to the Range Rover where Kenny, Scooter, Alfredo, and Justin were waiting for us.

"Glad you're coming, Karsyn." Justin smiled at me from the passenger seat. I gave him an awkward smile, trying not to blush.

It didn't take long to get to the set of the movie, but it was not what I was expecting. We were inside a huge coliseum that had about three different scene sets set up. There were hundreds of people running around like crazy people, trying to get everything ready for the day of filming. From what Ryan's told me, the movie is about Justin's character, Derek, who is in the secret services. He has to go on a mission to find this girl, Madison, played by Jasmine Villegas, who has a secret weapon and needs to be stopped. Some stuff happens, and "Derek" ends up falling in love with "Madison" and doesn't want to take her to headquarters. But "Madison" is evil and tricks "Derek" and then the movie ends with "Derek" sending "Madison" to headquarters, confused and disappointed. I guess that means if the first movie gets good reviews and a lot of profit, they'll make a second movie.

Within thirty minutes, filming had begun. Justin was running around a store after Jasmine, yelling "Madison, stop! I want to talk!" They did a few takes and then moved onto the next scene. I stopped paying attention, because let's just say watching finished movies is a lot better than watching them live with all the mistakes that happen and all the retakes.

"This is so awesome, don't you think K?" Ryan nudged me, never taking his eyes off the set. I shrugged. I didn't want to say I was bored out of my mind, because Ryan really enjoyed this kind of stuff, he wanted to be a director.

"I'm going to go sit down." I told Ryan. He nodded, not even looking at me and let go of my hand. I found Alfredo sitting down in the back and went over to him.

"Bored already?" Alfredo laughed as I took the seat next to his.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Movies aren't everybody's thing." Alfredo shrugged, messing around with one of his cameras.

"Would either of you like any iced coffee?" A girl, about college aged, asked us.

"Sure," I nodded at her. She handed me a McDonald's mocha frappe and went off looking for more people to hand out coffee to.

"Have you gotten a lot of footage?" I asked Alfredo, sipping the cold coffee.

"Yeah, you want to see what I've pieced together so far?" Alfredo pulled out his laptop and handed it to me. I clicked "play" and watched the two minute video he had made so far. It was of Justin, Ryan, and I playing in the ocean and throwing wet sand at each other.

"It's coming along great!" I told Alfredo, handing him his laptop back.

"Thanks, I had uhm... so more footage that a... friend... had given me. It was some good footage, don't get me wrong, but I could never put it in the video. That would go against everything I stood for."

"What was it a video of?"

Alfredo opened his mouth, about to tell me, but instead Ryan walked up.

"Someone spilt iced coffee all over the cameras, so filming's done for today." Ryan told us. Alfredo and I stood up and followed Ryan over to Kenny, Scooter, and Justin who looked antsy to leave.

"Raymond, the director, is pissed. Let's get out of here ASAP." Scooter told us. We all went out backstage and headed to the car. I knew for sure I wasn't going back there, it was beyond boring.

A thought popped into my mind, Alfredo never told me what the video footage his "friend" had given him was of. It must be of something that leaves you with an open mouth.

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