Chapter 3

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"This place has the best Hawaiian food on the whole island, I swear you will both love it!" Justin had pulled up in front of a tiny restaurant. It was exotic looking, much like the whole island, and it looked like all the seating was outdoors on a deck overlooking the water.

A waiter dressed in cargo shorts and a Hawaiian flowered t-shirt led us out onto the deck and to a table by a fan in the shade, Justin sat on one side of the table and Ryan and I on the other. Our waiter handed up some menus and with a heavy Hawaiian accent told us he'd be right back to take our drink orders.

"I can't wait to see the Beadles again, I haven't seen them in what, two years?" Ryan made conversation with Justin. I looked up from my menu at the mention of the Beadles siblings. I'd never met either of them, but I follow Christian Beadles on Twitter, and he is the cutest thing ever. I've only seen pictures of Caitlin, but she looked gorgeous- no wonder Justin has dated her years ago. The thought of "Jaitlin" led me to wonder if Justin's dating anyone currently. I had heard rumors about he and Selena Gomez, but I never bothered to ask Ryan, figuring it was none of my business. But I was here with Justin right now, so I might as well get to know him better.

"So Justin, do you have a girlfriend?" I spoke up. Justin's eyes rose from his menu to look straight into my eyes, "That's a good question, why do you wanna know?"

"Girls just like to wonder those types of things." I shrugged, feeling a little awkward now.

Justin just smiled at me, "I'm actually very single at this moment. Usually Ryan's the single one and I've got the girl. Looks like we've traded places." Justin laughed and gave Ryan an "I'm just joking look" making Ryan roll his eyes.

"Yeah considering you could have any girl you wanted really." I told him. Justin didn't answer right away, instead he seemed to be thinking about his response, "Not any girl." I was about to ask him why, when the waiter came to take our orders. Each of us ordered something different, and it was brought to us in minutes.

"I'll be right back, I needa hit the restroom." Ryan excused himself from the table and ran inside the restaurant, leaving Justin and I alone. There was an awkward moment of silence until a weird clicking noise broke it. I turned around in my chair to see at least fifteen men holding professional cameras, all pointed at Justin and I. I spun back around to look at Justin, wanting to see what to do. This was so strange to me, I hardly knew Justin and now I was sitting alone with him and having random guys taking our picture from afar. When I looked at Justin he had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Just ignore them." He grunted, "The paparazzi get really annoying, I know, but you get used to it. Even if they always bother the shit out of me." Justin paused, "I think we should go inside, they've taken enough pictures. And I can already tell you that we'll be on the front page of the tabloids tomorrow 'Justin and a New Girl in Hawaii! Summer romance?!'"

"I'm going to be on the front cover of a tabloid?" I asked confused, this wasn't really what I was expecting when I agreed to come on this trip. Hell, it had taken days to get my parents to agree. Luckily, they adored Ryan and wanted to have their own vacation anyways. So they packed up our car and drove from our Canadian home to Michigan. Why Michigan? I honestly have no clue, my two year old brother, Kyle, picked it. He's my only sibling, who happened to be an accident, and for some reason has wanted to go to Michigan for a long time.

Justin stood up from our table and motioned me to follow him inside. We walked into the air conditioned restaurant where Ryan was waiting for us, "You guys are done?" He asked us.

"There were some paps out there, so let's just leave." Justin frowned, handed money for our food to a manager looking man, and then walked out the front door. Ryan shrugged at Justin's now grumpy mood and we followed him out to the car.

When we got back to the beach house we all changed into our bathing suits and ran for the beach. There was a landing attached to the beach house that Justin ran down and then jumped off, flying into the beautiful water. Ryan followed his pursuit, and the two began to wrestle each other in the water.

"Come in Karsyn!" Justin yelled to me. I was standing at the edge of the landing with my shorts and a t-shirt covering my bathing suit.

"I'm fine." I glanced over the edge of the landing. I was probably four feet or so above the water and it didn't appear to be as shallow as it actually was. Instead of jumping in at Justin's request, I sat down on the landing and pulled out a book to read. It was on my summer reading list that I had to accomplish before Senior year. Justin and Ryan's screams had died down, but I didn't bother to glance over at them, like I had been, to make sure they didn't kill each other. Boys are so aggressive.

"Kar, let's go for a swim." I looked up and Ryan and Justin were standing over me. They both grabbed one of my hands and pulled me up from the ground of the landing.

"I'll take her arms, you get her legs." Ryan instructed.

"Wait, oh my God don't you dare through me in there!" I screamed at Ryan and started to run past him. But who was I kidding, Ryan was faster and stronger than me, I stood no chance- especially when Justin was there to help him. Ryan grabbed me around the stomach and managed to pick me up bridal style.

"Put me down!" I screamed at him, trying not to laugh like I wanted to.

"Sorry baby." Ryan winked at me. My arms were now wrapped around his neck in new hopes that if I tried to hang on to him I wouldn't be thrown into the water from what felt like a hundred feet above. It was a failed attempt though, Ryan easily unattached my arms and before I could try to put them back, he tossed me into the water. I landed with a splash and Justin, who had jumped in a few seconds before I had been tossed in, came swimming over to me.

"You alright Karsyn?" Justin asked me, laughing a little. I spat out some salty water that had gone into my mouth and laughed. My clothes were soaked, but I didn't care. To be honest, something like this would've made me mad, but I wasn't mad at all. Instead I just swam over to the ladder and climbed back onto the landing. I took off my wet shirt and shorts leaving me in my bikini and jumped on Ryan's back. He looked confused that I wasn't even mad, but shrugged it off, jumping into the ocean with me on his back. For the next two hours, the three of us jumped off the landing, splashed each other with the salty water, "wrestled" with each other, and laughed our asses off.

When we were all tired out, we climbed up the ladder, picked up our stuff from the landing, and walked back to the house. "Oh shit." I said, "I left my book out on the landing." I turned around to go back to the landing and get it. "I'll go with you." Justin suggested and followed me back out. The book was in the same place I had left it, I picked it up, careful not to get it wet, and walked over to Justin who was waiting for me.

"You good now?" He asked. I nodded and held up my book a little for him to see I had what I needed. Justin smiled at me and put his hand on my lower back. It was a gesture of "go ahead before me" just a light touch on my lower back, he wanted to be a gentlemen and let me in first. But just that one simple touch sent shivers up my spine. I wanted to squeal, but instead I gave Justin a smile and hurried into the house to find Ryan.

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