Chapter 4

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"Better get used to having late dinners, everyone in this house is so busy." Ryan put his arm around my shoulder, casually, as we made our way for the hallway and downstairs to the main floor of the beach house.

When we entered the giant dining room, I was surprised at how it was set up- I felt more like I was in a castle than in a beach house. The walls were painted a royal purple color and pale gold drapes fitted over the windows. A long dining room table fit the center of the room. It was covered with a silk gold table cloth and had ten places set, four on each side and one at each head of the table. The chairs were a dark oak color and had pale gold cushions on them, and all but two had a person sitting in one.

"Oh good you two are here!" a women's gentle voice spoke out. It came from a short woman who was stunningly beautiful. She stood up from her chair that was next to Justin, who was at the head of the table, and walked over to us, holding her arms out to hug Ryan. She gave me a quick glance and smiled big, "You must be Ryan's girlfriend, Karsyn! I'm Pattie, Justin's mom," before I could even respond she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a huge hug.

"Karsyn, let me introduce you to everybody, sweetie. Down there is Justin, but you've of course met him. Next to my seat is Scooter, Justin's manager. Then Carin, Scooter's girlfriend. Next to her is Alfredo Flores, Justin's good friend and aspiring director. At the other head of the table is Kenny, of course you all must have met. And here we have the Beadles, Caitlin and Christian!" Pattie introduced me to everyone, pointing each person out as she went. Of course I knew all of them already, I had seen Justin's concert movie about a million times, because Ryan's in it and he loves watching himself on screen. I wasn't very familiar with Caitlin and Christian Beadles though, I've heard Caitlin and Justin dated years ago, and that the two siblings wanted to be in show business.

Ryan and I took the two empty seats, Ryan next to Christian and me next to Justin. Dinner was brought out by a waiter (I guess that's one way to spend your billions of dollars). This evenings' course? Seafood. Lobster, shell fish, flounder, crab, and shrimp were brought out and I only put a few shrimp on my plate. One reason is because I can't stand the smell of seafood... and the other is because I tend to be allergic to the stuff- all except shrimp.

"Are you not hungry?" Pattie asked me when she caught a glimpse of my empty plate. I shook my head, not wanting to tell her I couldn't eat the meal. I'd feel rude, but then again, I felt rude not eating it, "I've eaten a lot today, I'm really just full."

"I understand, you could always have some leftovers for lunch tomorrow!" Pattie suggested. I smiled and nodded, trying to act sweet. Even though no way was I going to eat any of it tomorrow for leftovers.

Ryan leaned over and whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry Kar, we'll raid the kitchen after everyone goes to bed. I didn't think we'd be having seafood."

I giggled, "Sounds like a plan"

Ryan held true to his idea, as soon as we thought everyone was in bed, we tiptoed down all the flights of stairs and into the kitchen on the first floor. It was just as big as the rest of the house, and the pantry was no exception. You could easily fit a king sized bed inside it!

I grabbed some bread and peanut butter from the pantry, and Ryan took out the jelly. "I'll be right back, I think I left something in Kenny's car." Ryan said, running out of the kitchen and out the front door. I started to make the sandwiches while he was gone.

"Midnight snack?"

I jumped at the sound of a voice that was not Ryan's and turned around to see Justin standing in the doorway of the kitchen, shirtless and with his hair messed up all hot, that just yelled "sex".

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