Chapter 14

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Ryan's POV

Yeah, it hurt. It was a sharp pain that didn't seem to want to go away. A pain that reminded me that everything that I had loved about life was now gone. I wasn't going to be able to hold Karsyn's hand as we walk down the street, or put my arm around her to keep her warm during the cold Canadian winters back home, or hold her when we have our scary movie marathons once a month. No more "good morning" texts to send, no more constantly trying to make her smile and laugh, no more Karsyn. She's my first love, and having her fall in love with my best friend isn't easy. What makes it worse is he's in love with her too.

Then there's me, alone now. Not that I have any right to complain, I told Karsyn to go. I thought that maybe, if I was such a nice guy and made it seem like I don't want her to feel sorry for me, then maybe she'd stick with me. Maybe she wouldn't leave. Now I'm starting to think that wasn't right. I want- no I NEED- Karsyn. Caitlin is beautiful and funny, but she's no Karsyn. Caitlin is full of drama and likes to be the center of attention. She's just not the one for me.

"Are you okay Ry?" Alfredo walks into my room.

"Yeah," I nod, faking a smile.

"Really? Because I just got done filming Justin and Karsyn's date for Justin, and last time I checked, you were the one dating Karsyn- not Justin."

"She moved on."

"Did you move on too?" Fredo asked, seeming concerned. I shook my head. "Well then somebody needs to go get back his girl!"

"It's not that easy, though."

"Sure it is. If you love her enough, you'd do anything to get her back."

"But if I love her enough, shouldn't I be happy for her with whatever she decides to do? You know, 'If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours; if they don't they never were.'"

"If she doesn't pick you, you'll be left here feeling awful like you are now. Give it one last try. Do something amazing for her."

"I already tried, I took her to the aquarium to sleep with the fish. I bet Justin's date blew that out of the water."

"Nah..." Alfredo glanced away.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He, ugh, took her to this small town where this canopy type thing was set up and inside was a table set up all fancy and Karsyn was blindfolded. When she took the blindfold off, Justin started to sing "Mistletoe" which is going to be on his Christmas album."

"So he serenaded her, that's not hard to beat." I smiled, thinking I actually had a chance.

"Well... there's more." Alfredo sighed, "He set up a snow machine with Kenny and they made it snow, in the middle of the summer in Hawaii. And they slow danced in the snow and did other snow activities..."

"And now I have no hope." I fell back onto my bed, closed my eyes, and thought about what the hell I was going to do.

Karsyn's POV

"I really don't think this is a good idea, Justin." I glanced around at the hordes of Hawaiian Beliebers and tourists that were lucky enough to be vacationing in Hawaii the same time Justin was here. We were at a huge arena on the main island, where Justin was going to have his benefit concert; all of the money made on the tickets is going to a charity of Justin's choice- lung cancer. Which is what my younger brother, Tyler, has. I was amazed that Justin did this for me, and I couldn't stop thanking him. But I had forgotten about Justin's good deed when he asked me if I wanted to come on stage with him tonight.

"Why not?" He pouted

"What if your fans don't like me? If I were them, I wouldn't like me! I've seen how much hate any girl who has just been associated with you gets. I mean people wanted to kill Kim Kardashian just for doing a photo shoot with you. I don't want your fans to hate me, like a lot of them hated Selena Gomez."

"You're different though, Kar. I know they're going to like you. Most of my fans know you... dated Ryan, and they liked you then. If they liked you then, they'll like you now."

"I guess... but I'm not sure I want to go on stage in front of everyone!"

"You'll love it." Justin winked at me and grabbed my hand. The car had pulled up to the back entrance of the arena and Justin was being forced inside to his dressing room. His hand never let go of mine through all of the commotion, until we finally reached the dressing room.

"I'll be right back." He told me, grabbing one of the outfits hanging up on a rack with loads of others. Justin took it into the changing room and came out a few minutes later all dressed up in his tour clothes. It was similar to the outfit he had worn when I first met him at the concert Ryan had taken me to, but this was a more mature look to the original.

"Justin!" Scooter banged on the dressing room door, "Sound check! NOW!"

"You want to come? Or do you want to hang out here and I'll come back to get you right before the concert starts." Justin asked me, walking towards the door.

"I'll hang out here until the concert." I smiled, sitting myself down on one of the couches and pulling out my iPhone. Justin nodded and ran out of the door where he met a frustrated Scooter.

There was a new message on my phone.

From: Ryan

To: Karsyn

Where are you? Can we talk?

From: Karsyn

To: Ryan

I'm out right now. Sure we can talk

From: Ryan

To: Karsyn

Talking in person may be better...

From: Karsyn

To: Ryan

Then it'll have to wait until tomorrow, Ry.

From: Ryan

To: Karsyn

I don't think it can

From: Karsyn

To: Ryan

Then just tell me now

From: Ryan

To: Karsyn

I want you back, Karsyn. I love you.

"Sound check was cut short," Justin ran into the dressing room, "Concert's starting early!" He was beaming, clearly so excited to be performing again. I changed my frown to a smile, not to get him worried. Justin grabbed my hand and started to pull me out of the dressing room.

"Wait!" I said throwing my iPhone onto the couch, not wanting to think about Ryan right now. I just wanted to focus on Justin and not ruin his night, "Okay let's go!"

Justin grinned and gave me what he called a "good luck kiss" before we ran to backstage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2014 ⏰

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