Chapter 12

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Karsyn's POV

"I'm sorry, Ry." I whispered. I had chased after Ryan, who had run back to the beach house and locked himself in the bedroom. Having a two year old brother, I knew how to unlock doors. With a simple swipe of my emergency credit card, the door unlocked and I walked right in and over to Ryan who was sitting on the bed.

"No, don't be sorry." He shook his head, avoiding my eyes.

"But I am," I sighed, sitting down next to him. "I'm sorry I did this to you. I know I'm a horrible person, I know what I did was wrong. And I would understand if you would never want to see me again. I'd go back to Canada in a heartbeat, if that's what you wanted."

"Stop K. Just stop. I don't hate you, I should, but I don't. I'm in love with you. No matter how hard I try, I could never hate you. I always want to be with you, and I would never want to leave you. There's just... something about you. Your smile, the way you love life, how you care for others, how I thought you'd never give up on me. That all makes me love you, I'd do anything for you. And I guess that's what makes it hurt, knowing that apparently you don't feel the same way anymore. I brought you here to bring us closer together, but instead, we grew closer apart. Don't even try to tell me you're sorry Karsyn. You can never help who you fall in love with, and sometimes the end result hurts some people. Love is love, I see the way Justin looks at you. He's never looked at any girl like that before. You don't have to choose between us, K. Go find Justin, be with him."

Tears strolled down my cheeks as I looked at Ryan. I had been expecting him to yell and scream at me. For him to hate me and never want to see me again, never did I think he would understand. But he did, and that crushed my heart a little bit more. Was I really going to leave him here? He just said how much he loved me. He poured his heart out. And who was I to just walk out on him for another boy. No matter what feelings I had for Justin, I would always love Ryan, and I would never leave him alone like this. He had been there for me through it all. When my brother got cancer, when my parents almost got divorced because of the cancer, every day when I was bullied at school for not being able to afford the "in" clothes everyone else wore because they were too expensive. He was there for me when I cried myself to sleep every night, he wiped the tears away. Ryan stood up for me when I was made fun of. He went to visit my brother in the hospital every single day after school, even if I couldn't make it, he went because he didn't want my brother to be alone. Ryan was the most amazing boy I had ever met, I just wasn't sure if I loved him the way I had before.

"No," I said firmly, "I'm not leaving you alone."

"Go Karsyn," Ryan finally looked me in the eyes, "It's over between us, and you know that."

"But I don't want it to be!" I cried.

"It just wasn't meant to be, I guess. You don't love me, K, you love what I've done for you. Stop denying it."

I paused and thought for a moment; Ryan was right. "I'm so sorry Ryan." I whispered.

"Like I said, don't be. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to be alone." Ryan tried to fake a smile, but it turned out more like a frown. I nodded and walked out of the bedroom. I passed Pattie's room, walked by Kenny and Alfredo playing video games, and out to the pool where Christian and Caitlin were swimming.

"You got your wish, Caitlin." I snarled at her, taking off Ryan's sweatshirt I had been wearing and I threw it on the wet ground. I turned around and walked back into the house, not waiting for her reply. But as I walked away I heard Christian giggle under his breath.

"Karsyn, are you okay?" Scooter asked me as I walked past him. I was planning on making my way to Pattie's bathroom and crying my eyes out, since I knew she went out to go shopping with Carin today.

"Yeah." I nodded, walking past him.

"Wait, Karsyn," Scooter called after me, "Justin says he needs to talk to you. I told him he had to stay and finish filming today's scenes before he could come home. So he gave me this note for you." Scooter reached into his jacket pocket and handing me a sheet of folded up notebook paper. I forced a smile onto my face, thanking Scooter for the note and then running into Pattie's room, shutting the door behind me. I sat down on the floor of the bathroom and unfolded the note.


I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have gotten you involved in my life. Jasmine would do anything to ruin me, and I'm sorry her videos hurt you too, you didn't deserve it. I hope you're not mad at me, if you want we could talk over dinner tonight?


I smiled through my teary eyes. At least I didn't have to give up now, I still had Justin.

"Karsyn, are you in there?"

I jumped to my feet and opened up the bathroom door to reveal Caitlin. She eyed the note in my hand, as if she wanted to make sure it wasn't from Ryan.

"It's from Justin. He asked me to dinner to talk." I informed her.

"Oh," She paused, "Do you want to borrow one of my dresses? I have one that would be perfect on you."

I looked at her strangely, trying to make sure she was serious or if she was playing something on me, "That'd be great."


"You look great!" Caitlin smiled when I walked out of her bathroom in the dress she had given me. It was tight fitting, but not in a show-off kind of way. It looked like someone sewed a lot of purple strips of fabric together, but it was made elegantly and looked gorgeous.

"Really, you think so?" I glanced down at the dress, a little self-conscious.

"Of course, Justin's going to be a lucky boy tonight." She laughed. I smiled awkwardly, thanking her again for letting me wear the dress.

"It's no big deal, you can keep it. It looks a lot better on you than it does on me. I can't pull off that sort of thing like you can."

"Thanks, Caitlin," I gave her a genuine smile. I glanced over at Ryan's Canada sweatshirt that I had thrown on the wet ground. Caitlin had brought it in and gave it back to me, "You can have Ryan's sweatshirt. I can't wear it anymore, you might as well. It smells just like him, and he smells like-"

"Caramel apples." Caitlin cut in, looking a little embarrassed she knew that.

"Yeah," I laughed. I picked up the red sweatshirt off the chair it was laying on and handed it to her, "I think Ryan would be happy to see you wearing it."

"Thank you Karsyn." Caitlin's smile was the biggest I've ever seen her smile. I glanced awkwardly at the door, wanting to leave, but not wanting to leave at the same time.

"You better get going, Justin will be home soon." She told me, taking the hint. Before I turned to leave, I walked over to Caitlin and gave her a hug like I would my best friend. She hugged me back and smiled goodbye as I walked out of the room.

I guess things are settled with her.

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