Doctor Annoying

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I was sitting in the waiting room with Caleb waiting for Dr Harris or Dr Annoying as I like to call him to come and get us.

“Benjima Night.” Dr Annoying said as he came into the waiting room. Caleb and I stood up and followed him to his office. We got to his office and I sat up on the bed whereas Caleb sat on a chair next to me. “So Miss Night, have you been taking the medication that I gave you?” He asked grabbing his pad and pen.

“Yes I have, twice a day.” I said.

“Good to hear. Now a harder question.” He paused and I knew exactly what he was going to ask. “Have you been using your powers?” He asked. Dr Harris aided my mother when she was younger and helped her give birth to me so naturally he knows about my powers.

“Maybe.” I said bowing my head guiltily. He gave a heavy sigh.

“God. I see so much of Ginny in you.” He said shaking his head. “Ok. How about we take an X-Ray and have a look at the damage to see what we can try, shall we?” He asked.

“Ok.” I said getting changed into a hospital gown and lying on the bed. He took a quick X-Ray of my lungs then put them up on the monitor.

“It seems that the cancer has spread, and the use of your powers doesn’t help.” He said tapping my nose.

“What do you suppose we do?” Caleb asked worry laced through his voice.

“Honestly, I’m not really sure.” He said shrugging his shoulders. “If she stops using her powers that might slow down the spread.” He said.

“Doesn’t help that she’s as stubborn as all hell.” Caleb said and I automatically fisted him in the chest.

“So was Ginger.” Dr Annoying said. Then some form of realization crossed his face. “I have an idea.” He said walking over to his desk.

“An idea. Great, good to hear. Care to tell us about it.” I said impatiently.

“Hold your horses kiddo I’m getting there.” He said getting a small wooden box from his draw. “Found it.” He said happily.

“Found what? What is it?” I asked again annoyed.

“I used this for Ginger. When she was pregnant the first time she kept using her powers and almost killed her child.” He said trying to open the box.

“What do you mean ‘The first time’?” I said doing quotation marks with my fingers.

“Not my place to say.” He said finally opening the box. “Here we go.” He said handing me a bracelet.

“A bracelet?” I asked holding it in front of me with a questionable look on my face.

“A bracelet.” He said with a smug look on his face.

“This is a bracelet.” I said with the same look on my face.

“Yes. It’s a bracelet.” He said in an obvious kind of tone.

“On what planet does a bracelet help with my cancer?” I asked annoyed.

“It doesn’t.” He said shaking his head.

“Then why in hell are you giving it to me?” I asked/yelled at him.

“It’s to help you to stop using your powers.” He said like it was obvious.

“How the hell does it do that.” I asked.

“Because it’s made from power.” He said but I still didn’t get it.

“Huh?” I asked confused.

“After Ginger gave birth to her first child, she helped me create this so that it would stop her from using her powers through her next pregnancy so that her second child, you, wouldn’t almost die during the pregnancy because of the use of her powers.” He said in a lecturing tone.

“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” I scoffed and the boys rolled their eyes at me.

“Well put it on.” Dr Annoying said and I obeyed and put the creepy invention on my left wrist.

“Well, how does it work?” I asked.

“Use.” He said. I looked at him confused. “Use your powers.” He said. I turned my irises purple and sent Reid a creepy ghost message, when I got an electric shock that came up my arm and made me stop.

“Fugica.” I said trying not to swear. “What the hell?” I asked.

“Whenever you try to use your powers you will get an electric shock come through the bracelet and zap you, thus make you stop using your powers.” He said.

“Ok.” I said already hating the stupid piece of shit attached to my wrist. “Is that all?” I asked.

“For now you can go and get changed and then go home.” He said with a smirk.

“Oh thank god it’s over.”I said grabbing my clothes and walking to the bathroom to get changed. I finished getting changed and walked back to the boys. “So you taking the money from Gingers health fund that she left me?” I asked.

“Yes I will be.” Dr annoying said.

“Ok.” I replied.

“You ready to go home now?” Caleb asked.

“Not yet. Hey doctor ann.- a I mean Dr Harris?” I asked.

“Yes.” He said with a chuckle.

“Mums first child. Can you tell me about them?” I asked remembering the ghost I had received the night before.

“I’m sorry Ben but I can’t.” He said bitting his lip.

“Why not.” I asked desperately wanting to know.

“Ginger asked me not to tell anyone.” He said unhappily.

“Ok.” I said knowing that I wouldn’t get anything out of him. “We can go now.” I said turning to Caleb who walked me out of the hospital and to the car.

“Ok. What’s on your mind?” Caleb asked when he got into the car, even though he knew what I was thinking about.

“Gingers first child.” I said still slightly in thought. “Why didn’t she want anyone knowing?” I asked myself.

“I dunno, maybe it’ll say something about it in one of her diaries.” Caleb suggested knowing that I wasn’t going to give up easily.

“Yeah maybe.” I said picking at the ends of my braid.

“It’s worth a try.” He said starting up the car. We drove home in silence and I got caught in deep thought about my mother’s first child.

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