Growing Pains

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Hey everyone of Wattpad! This is the sequel to my story 'Just A Kid'. My apologies for not posting for a long period of began to demand my attention and I also had to deal with a stressful breakup and a medical crisis. Thank you to everyone who voted, read, and commented on 'Just A Kid'. On with the sequel!

Hurried breaths echoed throughout the woods as a cloaked figure ran towards the gates of Konoha. For days now, the figure had been watching the road; watching and waiting for a brief moment when the guards changed duties with other guards.

There was only a small window of time when the figure darted from it's hideout in some folliage. A tail poked out of a hooded cape as the figure continued to run towards the gate. Even though the figure's lungs were burning for air, it had to keep going no matter what.

Almost there! Almost th-

"Going somewhere?" a cold voice sounded suddenly.

A small yelp sounded from the hooded figure as it tripped over its feet and landed on the ground, scraping its chin in the process.

"Kane! What're you doing?" the figure said as it turned around.

Araile Kiyoshi had almost made it to Konoha. It had been 3 and a half years since she had seen everyone in Konoha, and she missed everyone terribly.

Rubbing her raw chin, she sighed and pushed back her hood. Her hair was a mess of leaves and brambles. Snaking a hair elastic out of her front pocket, she began the long process of taming her long white and black hair before putting it in a ponytail. Over the years, the blue colour had eventually faded to her original hair colour.

Grumbling, she began walking towards the cottage that she had been living with her brother. It was a quaint and cozy cottage, but Araile longed to see the streets of Konoha and to hear the people talking. A small ache had taken refuge in the 14 year old's heart as her older brother led her back to the small path that led to the cottage.

Years prior, the elder councilman had declared that Araile had to now live with Kane.

Each day, Araile would stare out the small window and wonder; wonder how life for her previous caretaker Kakashi Hatake and her companion Takumi was going.

Did they miss her?

Were they trying to look for her?

Have they given up yet?

"They must have given up looking for me by now...Kakashi could easily have found the cottage! I was so close to seeing them again" Araile thought as she and Kane walked down the small path, now covered in moss.

As the cottage came into view, a sigh heaved itself out of Araile. It looked like she would stay here forever. Kane waited until she had opened the door before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Araile asked.

"I need to take care of a few things" was the only reply she got before he disappeared into the trees.

Shrugging, she closed the door behind her and struggled to get her hooded cape off. Her head got stuck halfway through as her ponytail became snagged on the tag. Growling slightly, she continued to struggle, bumping into a chair in the process.

Araile felt a zing of pain as her chin protested and her jaw tightened in frustration. Finally, her head was freed with a small 'pop', and Araile flung the cursed garment onto the kitchen table.

Rolling her shoulders, she headed towards her room; a small room off to the side of the kitchen with just a bed and dresser. She threw herself onto the bed and laid there, her tail twitching as she let her mind roam free.

Closing her gold eyes, her body sagged against the mattress as her thoughts swirled around and around, never stopping.

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