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"I'm about to beat her ass!" Normani exclaimed as she tried to break free of Zendaya's hold.

"I don't think that's a good idea Mani." Camila tried to reason.

Normani stopped her struggle against Zendaya and simply stared at her Bestfriend. "Well what did expect Mila?! You just thought you would come over here and tell me the news without receiving a negative reaction?!" Camila just stood quietly while Jade, Kehlani and Zendaya all stood behind Normani.

They knew this would happen. Normani didn't like hearing the information that Camila had given to her. How could Lauren be so selfish?

"Babe, we should just go..." Kehlani suggested to Camila.

"No! If Normani does something stupid and someone gets hurt, it'll be my fault!" She said frustratedly. "So, I'm not going anywhere until I know that you have calmed down." She directed to her Bestfriend.

Normani sighed and took a seat on her couch. She slowly, but roughly ran her fingers through her hair.

Camila's face was calmer now that she sees Normani calming down. Kehlani rubs her girlfriend's shoulders to comfort her.

"Are we all good here? Because I have to go get my kids ready for bed. We have school tomorrow." Zendaya stated, a bit annoyed at the situation. She had warned Normani about Lauren when they first started dating.

They all did, but the darker girl never listened and now she was regretting it.

Not just because Lauren had wasted her time and made her wanna get rid of the memories they had spent together in the past, but because now she was ruining the moments she was trying to make the best of with Dinah Jane.

Anyone who saw the way Normani looked at Dinah, knew that she was falling for her. Lauren had seen this the night at the club. She had known for sure when Normani threatened her to stay away from the Polynesian woman, but she chose to use that and pick at Normani's feelings.

Normani shook her head furiously. She couldn't let the green eyed girl get away with this.

"I'm not gonna harm anyone. I simply just want to ask her a few questions." She said, more so to Camila to insure her that she wasn't gonna do anything stupid.

Camila nodded hesitantly and walked over to Normani. They exchanged goodbyes and hugged one another.

The other women did the same and Normani was left alone to think about what to do next.


A soft knock on the door was heard. Lauren had just finished putting on her black heels. She had on a dress that showed just enough cleavage.

It was a little much for a coffee date, but she would be heading to work right after, so she thought why not?

She answer the door and to her surprise...it was Normani.

Normani's face was so sad looking and broken. Lauren sees this and her smirk falls.

Normani looks up at her ex partner and quietly asks to come in. Lauren moves out of the way so she could let the darkskinned beauty in.

As they sit down and get comfortable, Normani breaks the silence. "Where are you headed?" She asked lowly.

Lauren gulped. They both knew the answer to that and they knew the real reason why Normani was at Lauren's house at the moment.

"I have a date in 10 minutes." Lauren blinked.

Normani nodded but didn't respond verbally. Lauren sighed and got up to sit next to Normani. She put her hand on her thigh and waited for Normani to make eye contact. She hadn't done so since she arrived at the younger woman's door.

Normani looked up at Lauren's face to see her giving a sad smile. "Why are you doing this? Is this for my attention or do you actually like her?"

Lauren thought for a bit. It wasn't because she had actually liked Dinah. She barely knew the girl. Perhaps it was because she wanted the drama.

She wanted Normani's attention...and she finally got it. But then again, what does this mean? After she admits her true intentions, will this make Mani come back? Does Lauren get what she wants in the end?

To be sure, she had to keep this going for a bit longer. So Lauren looked Normani dead in the face, stared into her eyes and said "I really like her. She's sweet, she's smart and I think she's very beautiful."

Normani's head dropped, her heart ached and her eyes stung with tears. She couldn't bare to hear that ever again. It hurt too much, who would've thought that her ex lover would fall for her crush? Some luck she had.

"Hey" Lauren said, she put her hand under Normani's chin, lifting it up so she could look at her face. " She's waiting on me now, so I have to go." Lauren hurt seeing Normani broken like this. She couldn't tell if she was broken over Dinah or her.

Normani nodded and understood what Lauren was saying. She stood up without a word and left out of Lauren's house. She went to her car but didn't drive away. She sat there and cried. A few minutes go by and she is crying even harder.

She heard her door open and she was engulfed in Lauren's arms. The younger woman comforted her while she cried. She rubbed her shoulders up and down as she sobbed in her arms.

"I just don't understand you! Why are you like this Lauren?!" Normani exclaimed as she began hitting Lauren in her chest and in her face.

"Mani.." She tried to stop the girl from hitting her. "Mani, stop!" Normani didn't listen as she continued to sob and swing at the other woman. "Normani, listen to me!"

That didn't work so she smashed her lips into Normani's. Lauren sighed in content, she missed those soft and plump lips. Normani didn't pull back, she was too weak and too emotional. Lauren took this as a sign and continued kissing her.

Their lips began smacking against one another. The pale woman forced her tongue into Mani's mouth. She moaned and began sucking on Normani's lips.

Normani pushed the other woman away from her when she finally had enough. "I hate you" she whispered angrily and slammed her door shut.

"You don't mean that!" Lauren yelled at the rolled up window. Normani started up her engine and began to drive away. "Normani tell me you don't mean that!" Lauren yelled after the other girl's car. "We still love each other. You didn't mean that." Lauren tried insure herself, she was on the verge of tears falling down her face.


auren didn't notice that she was going about this all wrong. Even though she was hurt, she was still going to meet Dinah for coffee.

It was safe to say that she was bad at love. She was afraid and didn't know how to love someone. She thought that she and Normani had love, but Normani insured her that it wasn't love.

All Lauren needed was a second chance. She just needed Normani to allow her one.


I have another Norminah book I wanna write.

Its about Normani being addicted to sex and her and Dinah are lovers blah blah blah. Dinah is g!p....

Do you guys want me to post the first chapter or do y'all want me to write the next chapter for this book instead?

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