7. That's What Friends Are For :) :)

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Chapter 7: That's What Friends Are For :) :)

Natalie's POV

I woke up when I smelled pancakes. I checked my phone to see the time, it was 7:30. Shit! I only have half an hour before the Uni starts! I quickly got up and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I went into my closet and chose to wear a dark blue too, light blue jeans, matching belles and 4-5 bracelets. I went into the dining room and saw Zack sitting there doing something in his phone with pancakes on the table. Pancakes!!! Yay!!! Yum!!!

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked him.

"I wanted to but you looked too peaceful while sleeping"

"Aww. You made these?" I said while eying the pancakes.

"Yup. How're they?" he asked while offering me some.

"They look great" I said before I took a bite, "and taste even greater. You have to tell me how to make 'em"

"Sure, I will. Now c'mon we have to leave or else we'll get late" he did while putting the plates in the sink. Just then my phone rang, it was Alex.

"Hey Al, sup?" I said.

"Hey Natty. Being your guitar today. The teacher's are saying that the auditions are on today"

"Sure, I'll do it. You have yours?"

Nopes but I'll use yours"

"I can bring yours too" I suggested.

"NO!!!" she yelled. "You'll get late!!"

"Ok ok. I'll be there. Byyeee"

"See ya soon. Byeeee" she said while dragging the 'e' and then hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and went in the kitchen to put my plate in the sink.

"What was that about?" Zack asked me.

"Alex wants me to take my guitar to the Uni today because of the auditions" I told him.

"Which audition?" he questioned.

"For the Uni's band" I said as I jumped up and down like a child. "Me and Alex always wanted to do that"

"All the best" he said to me while showing me the thumbs up sign.

"Thanks. We should get going now" I said while going into my room and taking my guitar.

(Link for the pic of the guitar- http://wallpapers55.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/black-and-white-guitar.jpg) 

"Yup" he said and went towards the door. He opened the door for me. 'How doesn't he have a girlfriend?' I asked myself.

"Thanks" I said while moving out of his way. I kept my guitar on the floor and locked the door to my apartment. I was walking towards my car when I heard Zack say, "Race you to the Uni"

"You're on" I replied to it and smirked.

Meanwhile Harry's POV

"Are you sure she's in this Uni?" Niall asked me.

"Damn sure. Jenna told me she's in London and Oxford High is the best university in London so she has to be there. She was a nerd after all" I replied.

"Yeah but that was a long time back, mate" Niall said.

"It was a year and a half back, dickhead" I commented.

"Sorry" he said while popping the 'p'. "So do you still love her?"

"I guess I do... but I don't think she does. She told me that she hates me and never wants to see me again when I told her everything." I said with a very grim expression on my face.

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