Chapter 2

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Hermione stared out at that Black Lake.

So what? Everyone hid things, she herself now had a secret to hide. Her immense power that had confused even Dumbledore was no help in her frustration at Ron and Lavender. Hermione turned the mask over in her hands again.

But this wasn't any secret. Draco Malfoy was a Death Eater, and Hermione guessed he wasn't simply one of them, he had a top position and Voldemort would probably 'gift' him with a 'great' task.

Was that why he was acting so . . . odd? But she didn't care for Malfoy, did she? He was just another student with prejudiced beliefs and a burning hatred for people like her. Harry had suspected that Malfoy was a Death Eater. Hermione wondered if she should tell Harry he was right.

Hermione felt the gaze of someone on her and she turned slowly. She reached for her wand before she remembered that she'd kept it in the pocket of her uniform. The one Draco had. She sighed and faced the tall cloaked figure. Far taller than anyone she'd seen - Hagrid didn't count. Besides, this man was thin, lean, and when he pushed the hood of his cloak back, Hermione bit her lip to keep from calling out.

She held his gaze, determined to look brave. She was smart enough to know that he'd not attack her on school grounds. No, he was here for something else, and it was best if she kept up a strong facade.

He smiled, a thin and cruel smile. "You need not fear me, child."

Hermione could see past his facade and hoped hers was intact. "I do not fear you. I never have and I dare say I never shall."

Oh, Hermione, she chastised herself, what a stupid thing to say.

The Dark Lord smiled in a way that said he was anything but joyful. "Word of your abilities have reached me, and I should think you'd be a valuable asset to me."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "I shall be a valuable asset to Hogwarts. I will never serve you."

Now his smile seemed genuinely amused. "You didn't let me finish, child. If you serve me as a loyal follower of mine, I shall consider sparing the students of this pathetic school, except Potter, of course. The boy must die. However, I can guarantee your safety, and I should think you'd like to keep your ridiculous little family safe."

Hermione thought about her parents back home. She thought about Ron up in the Gryffindor Tower with Lavender next to him. She thought about Ginny, and Parvati, fast asleep in the Gryffindor dormitories. She thought about Neville. She thought about Luna, and the House Elves, and perhaps even the First and Second Years of all houses . . . including Slytherin, the small children who she might be able to protect if she took this deal. Hermione thought about Harry, sleeping through all of this, not knowing what was about to hit him like a ten tonne truck. Then she fixed a steely glare of the wizard before her.

"I shall have to ponder the matter."

Voldemort smiled and nodded. "Understandable. I hope to hear from you soon, child?"

Hermione forced herself to nod. She stumbled backwards when he took off in a black tornado. She'd have hit the ground, or maybe the tree, if it weren't for the Slytherin boy that caught her and steadied her.

"You all right?" he asked.

Hermione nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Thank you," she trailed off, her cheeks growing red as she realised she did not know the name of the boy.

"Zabini," he said.

Hermione nodded, remembering. "Blaise," she said softly, then louder, "Thanks again."

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