Chapter 5

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Hermoine couldn't remember much of the whole thing. She knew that the Dark Lord will be expecting her to kill someone, preferably a Muggle or muggleborn, for her to be trusted completely by him. She shuddered as she opened her eyes to find the three notorious Slytherins staring at her in curiosity. She was in another room, standing, and barely conscious. She felt as if she'd been in another world for a while. She sneered at them.

"Well, looks like the mudblood is letting out her inner Death Eater."
Hermoine sent Theodore a cold glare. "Watch it, or you'll be my first kill."

Theo smirked. "You couldn't kill a fly, Granger."

Hermoine raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? You think I don't have the guts to do it because why? I'm a Gryffindor? I'm a mudblood? Beacuse I'm Granger, Potter's best friend?"

Zabini smirked as well and nudged Draco. Draco let a smirk of his own slide onto his face. "We'll see when you get your first task."

Hermoine gave a wicked grin, but only to keep the Slytherins from asking further questions. She already knew who she was going to aim for.

Draco led Hermoine to Lord Voldemort, Zabini and Nott on either side of her.

"Granger," he rasped, testing her name to see if it fitted her new status, "You must do one more thing to become a fully fledged Death Eater. Kill . . . a Muggle."

Hermoine returned the wizard's sinister smile and walked out the doors. Malfoy and the other two went with and showed her how to use her new Death Eater abilities, like flight.

"Granger," Draco sighed, "It's not that hard."

Hermione refused to let go of his arms. "I have a fear of heights!" she yelled into the night. Theo snorted.

Blaise shook his head and pushed Draco aside, then held out his hands in front of Hermione. "I may be a Slytherin and a Death Eater, but you can trust me. I won't let you fall."

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him. "Fine."

Slowly, Blaise coached her into doing it herself. Soon, she was headed for Muggle London with the Slytherins. She landed on the platform in Kings Cross St. and she moved stealthily to find her target.

Hermoine stuck to the shadows. She knew the three boys were watching her, but she didn't know from where. Hermoine produced her wand from her robe, her wand that had never before been responsible for a single death, and aimed at the muggle family. She looked for the little girl and whispered the words she'd never dare to say out loud.

"Avada Kedevra."

She watched as the spell hit the girl, late in the night. They'd declare her dead in the morning when she wouldn't wake. Hermoine slipped her wand back into her robe and took off for Hogwarts. She wanted to scream, but then she remembered why she'd chosen the little girl. She took a deep breath.

She landed under the tree by the Black Lake and faced the three Slytherins. "Maybe you do have the guts to be a Death Eater, Granger."

Hermoine rolled her eyes at Theo. She was about to head into the castle when she remembered what the Dark Lord had said and took off once more, appearing before Voldemort with a stern expression. "The spell?"

He handed her a paper. "Say these words and point your wand to the Dark Mark. It will be invisible to everyone else. I trust you keep to your word, Granger. If not, your parents will pay the price."

Hermione nodded solemnly and turned to leave, wondering if anyone else had ever before dared to leave his presence without being dismissed.
She took care not to bang the door as she closed it. That would be pushing it too far. She was about to leave by Apparition - she preferred the funny feeling in her stomach much more than the thought of flying - when Theo stopped her. He folded his arms.

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