Chapter 9

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"Blaise! A little help would be nice!"

Blaise laughed. "You pissed her off, mate, nothing I can do."

Theo paused briefly to give Blaise the finger before having to dodge Hermione's spells. She wasn't firing anything particularly dangerous, but he'd rather get knocked out than get hit with a tickling spell. When the door opened, Hermione took advantage of Theo turning to see who it was and yelled, "Levicorpus!"

Theo yelled as he found himself suspended in the air by his ankle. He glared at Hermione, then suddenly laughed, because upside down, Hermione's wild hair looked rather funny.

"I told you," Draco said slowly, "Never turn your back on your enemy." Then he nodded at Hermione. "Good job."

Grudgingly, Hermione muttered the countercurse before sitting down next to Blaise, but only because she'd learnt that when Draco came from Malfoy Manor looking like he was bearing the anger of a thousand men, it was best to silently watch and wait.

When the silence became too heavy, Hermione approached the blond boy that sat alone in the small secret room. "Touch day?" she asked, leaning on the back of the couch.

Draco pushed her hair away - it was poking him in the eye. "Don't you know any hair spells?"

Hermione glared at him. "I do, in fact. Would you like me to turn yours the colour of the crap you say on a daily basis?"

Theo sat down next to Blaise and they both leaned back, stunned at Hermione's comment.

Draco turned on the chair. "Oh, like yours?"

Blaise raised an eyebrow. It was one thing to insult a pissed off Draco, but it was an entirely different territory to insult a pissed off Hermione.

Hermione smiled sweetly. "You know, I think I figured out why you're so pale. It's because you're forever hiding in a closet, wondering what Harry is up to."

Theo snorted and has to clap his hands over his mouth to keep from laughing.

Draco's jaw dropped. "I am not in love with Potter!"

Hermione grinned. "I didn't say that. Is there something you'd like to tell us? We won't judge, you know."

Draco paused. "I think I figured out why your bloody hair is so bloody bushy. It's cause you don't own a brush."

Hermione nodded. "Yeah, Ginny lost it a few weeks ago. I've been using yours since."

"You've been what?!"

Hermione laughed at Draco's appalled face. "You don't even know where it is!" he yelled.

"I do. It's in the closet . . . with your photos of Harry."

Draco stood up angrily and pointed his wand at the smirking Hermione. "I will hex you to oblivion, mudblood. Don't think that I care anything for you, I only tolerate you to keep myself alive."

Hermione placed a hand over her heart and pouted. "Do I really mean so little to the Dark Lord that he's tasked you with looking after me?"

Draco looked ready to attack Hermione, but the wild haired brunette only folded her arms and cocked her hip to her right, her Dark Mark clearly visible under her thin white shirt, and smirked.

"Why are you so miffed today anyway? You usually deliver insults that hit slightly further away from home."

Draco narrowed his eyes at Hermione. "I don't know what you're hoping to achieve, but a mudblood like you could never be at our level."

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