Chapter 14

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Neither one of the two heard the door opening.

Hermione was trying to get the fork from Draco, who stretched his one arm as far back as the bed allowed and kept a tight grip on Hermione's arm so that she couldn't reach it.

"I said I'll feed you!" He yelled with a grin.

"Malfoy! I brought it here for you!"

Hermione climbed on the bed and reached forward - careful not to squash Draco - and tried to at least grab his arm. "Malfoy!"


Hermione dropped her head to glare at Draco, but whatever she was going to say flew from her head when she saw a strange look in his eye, somehing she'd never seen before.

Professor Snape cleared his throat, and in her surprise, Hermione lost her balance. Draco cried out as she fell. The fork clattered to the floor, the sound rather soft compared to Draco's cry. There was always a dull ache where the scars had been, but now with the sudden added weight, they burned like fire and he felt like someone had driven a blade through his chest.

Hermione - in her attempt to relieve Draco of the sure agony and cast the concealment charm on her arm - soon found herself on the floor, her head being saved from a hard hit only because Draco kept hold of her hand.

"Miss Granger," Snape drawled, striding towards the pair, "I hardly expected to see someone like you here."

Hermione would've normally ignored the jibe at her blood purity and her house, but for some reason, she felt anger bubbling at the surface. "Really, Professor? I'd have never guessed."

Professor Snape narrowed his eyes at Hermione. "Such attitude, Miss Granger. Would you prefer to have house points deducted or would you rather like to join your friend in detention?" He spat the word 'friend' with as much venom as he could muster, and Hermione instantly knew that he was referring to Harry. The contempt in Snape's voice fuelled Hermione's anger and she found herself doing the one thing she never expected herself to do: backchat a teacher.

"That's all you really do, isn't it, Professor? Hand out detention and deduct points from Gryffindor. Is it because you're trying to right the wrongs done to poor little Sev?"

As soon as she said it, Hermione knew she'd stepped over the line. Actually, it was more like she'd taken a running start and had leapt miles over the line.

Snape's eyes clouded over and he glared at the student in front of him. It was at this moment that he noticed the colour of Hermione's tie. "I do not remember you having a change of house, Miss Granger." Hermione was surprised that she was pleased with the amount of venom in Snape's voice when he said her name.

Hermione fixed a steely glare on the Professor. "I do not recall you obtaining a shift in your loyalties, Professor Snape." Childishly enough, Hermione mimicked Snape.

Snape glared at Hermione, trying to see what she was referring to. Having been taught by Draco and subject to the Dark Lord trying to pry into her head, Hermione's mental shield held strong.

She could see Snape cracking under the pressure of being unable to read her mind. "You don't have to try to read what I'm thinking of, Professor. You know perfectly well what I'm referring to."

Hermione knew she was taking a big risk when she darted her eyes to Snape's left arm - if only for less than a second. In that instant, Hermione knew Snape had put two and two together. She was certain Voldemort had mentioned her - anonymously, as she'd required - and she recalled that Snape was required to stay at the school.

Snape's usually passive expression morphed to something resembling twisted amusement. "I'd have never guessed. The Dark Lord . . . allowing a mudblood such as yourself under his wing when he has allies such as I."

Hermione's blood boiled at that comment and decided Snape needed to learn true fear. So she yanked her sleeve up. "Do you see a Dark Mark, Professor? Please, do tell me if I'm losing my eyesight." She narrowed her eyes at him and she saw the fear in his eyes. He'd admitted to being a Death Eater.

Hermione yanked down her sleeve once she was satisfied Snape was sure she wasn't a Death Eater. "Now, what would a mudblood such as myself do with the information you've just revealed?"

Snape had no answer. For the first time in her life, Hermione turned her back on a teacher. She stared hard at Draco and hoped he got the message.

Snape is not to know of my allegiance to the Dark Lord.

Draco nodded, his expression on of pure shock. With a neutral expression, Hermione picked up the fork and set it on the tray. She threw the robe over her shoulder and picked up the tray and turned to leave. She paused at the door.

"We won't let this little encounter leave the Hospital Wing, will we Professor?"

Hermione smirked at the fear in Snape's eyes. She knew he'd never speak of this again, because she knew he was a Death Eater, and with her intelligence, she could use it to her advantage.

So he let her leave without further comment. He waited until the doors closed once again before addressing Draco. "You have more important things to worry about than your . . . relations with a mudblood, Draco."

Draco scowled at Snape, suddenly very sullen and angered. "I didn't ask you to look after me, Professor. I can take care of myself."

Draco ignored Snape after that, turning over and facing the other way. He knew that Professor Snape knew he wasn't asleep, but he didn't reply nor acknowledge that he'd heard anything Snape said.

Draco realised that he missed Hermione's company. He missed how she made him forget everything in his life that had to do with Voldemort. He missed - surprisingly enough - her bushy brown hair that always brought a scowl to her face when she realised it was in her face again. He missed the way she treated him - like an actual human being. Right now, he'd give his ridiculously large inheritance to have Hermione's company instead of Snape's - or anyone else's, for that matter. Draco realised then - like a blow to the head - that he missed Hermione.

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