Chapter 6

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Hermione sat on the windowsill. The hood of Draco's cloak hung over her eyes, preventing anyone from identifying her. The common room was empty. She'd cast the spell when she paused by the tree, so she tossed her hood back and slipped in without fearing that she'd be caught.

However, she didn't bank on Harry being awake. "Where were you?"

Under the cloak, Hermione felt the jeans at her hip. "Shopping," she decided.

"The whole day and night?"

Hermione shrugged. "It was a lengthy process."

Harry nodded, not believing her. "Hermione, you know I always check the Map, right?"

Hermione nodded.

"And I just happened to see your name by the Black Lake, along with Malfoy's and two other Slytherin's. And then, as quickly as it came, your names vanished. Now, I haven't told anyone, because I'd like to hear what you have to say."

Hermione panicked, much like she had the morning after Halloween. Please forget about what you saw, Harry. "I needed some fresh air."

Harry, who'd begun looking around in confusion, turned back to Hermione. "Explains why you're still up . . . Do you know what I'm doing here?"

Hermione bit her lower lip. "You were . . . sleepwalking."

Harry nodded, then frowned at Hermione. "What's on your face?"

"It's called makeup, Harry. I was just fooling around with some of the girls. We thought it'd be fun to try out some new styles."

Harry nodded again, yawning. "Oh, okay. Night, Hermione."

As Harry trudged back to his dorm, Hermione frowned. What had happened? He'd forgotten all about the Map . . . almost as if he'd been Obliviated.

Hermione gasped in surprise. Had she Obliviated him? But how? Was this yet another side effect of what Dumbledore called her 'gift'? Confused and irritated, Hermione washed off the makeup and changed into pajamas with long sleeves and before she slept, she cast the charm once more for extra measure.

The next day passed as per normal, except for the parts where Hermione was convinced people could see her Mark. There was also once where Ron caught her staring towards a certain Slytherin. She'd passed it off as a glare because Draco had 'insulted' her earlier. Ron had joined her in glaring at them.

The following day, however, brought with it a level of frustration Hermione didn't know she could experience.

Parvati liked to sleep with the windows open. Hermione didn't mind much so she never complained. But on this night, she wished Parvati had been desperate to sleep with them closed.

Not long after she'd fallen asleep, something woke her. A tiny stone flew threw the window, and with annoying accuracy, hit her on the head.

Hermione grumbled to herself as she trudged to the window to close it. Parvati's late-night boyfriend could wait until morning. However, when she got there, a voice called her name.


Hermione blinked, rubbed her eyes, and then she saw him. Blaise stood outside, looking like he was hovering in the air. Hermione didn't bother questioning it. "What?"

"His highness calls for you," Blaise said, rolling his eyes.

Hermione groaned. "Now? In the middle of the night?"

Blaise shrugged. "It's a Death Eater's life. Come on, get dressed."

Hermione glared at the dark skinned boy before pulling the curtain closed and grabbing the bundle of clothes Theo forced her into. When she was done, she tied Draco's cloak around her shoulders. She glanced at her reflection and sighed. Quickly, she cast the muffling charm over the ears of her sleeping dormmates before throwing the curtain open. "Where's Nott?" she called down.

The boy pushed away from the wall and came into view. Hermione motioned for him to come up, so with an exaggerated sigh, he did. "What?"

Hermione dumped a box in his hands. "Make me look terrifying."

Theo grinned. "Are you wearing the -"

"Shut up and do as I say."

It took a total of five minutes - because Hermione couldn't sit still - but the end was worth it. Hermione smiled at him. "Thank you. Now take me down."

Theo rolled his eyes, but with Hermione's new transformation, he was afraid to say no to her. Blaise had left the tower, and Hermione and Theo found him with Draco by the large tree. "Ready?" Blaise asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I suppose so."

Blaise grinned, sensing the nervousness hidden under Theo's excellent hand and the cloak she wore. He held out his arm for her. "A lady should never be made to travel alone."

Hermione rolled her eyes but gratefully took it. "Who said I was anything near a lady? I like to think I'm rather like a warrior."

Blaise grinned, Theo laughed, Draco snorted, and Hermione glared at them all. "Let's just go," she grumbled.
When the four of them landed in front of Malfoy Manor, neither of them looked anything close to amused. Blaise - not too keen on meeting the Dark Lord - allowed Draco to escort Hermione forward.

Voldemort seemed to smile, but it looked rather sinister. "Ah, welcome back, child."

Hermione's eyes darted around. It was only Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy in the room with them. Hermione said nothing.

Voldemort stood up and circled Hermione. With an apologetic glance, the boys opted to join the sisters up front. Hermione held her head high and glared straight ahead. The Dark Lord chuckled mirthlessly. "You are annoyed at having been woken?"

Hermione titled her head. "Of course I am. It's almost midnight."

"I see." He came to a stop in front of her. "However, your annoyance is not my concern. Tonight, you will have your chance at . . . " he paused, grinned slightly, and continued, "Torture."

Hermione's face was impassive, she didn't move a muscle, but her mind was working at an incredible speed, unbeknownst to the Dark Lord.

He took a seat once again and looked at Hermione carefully. "I must say, child, I expected more of a reaction from you."

"Oh, I see. Were you expecting me to start shivering and shaking where I stand?"

Draco's eyes popped. How she had the guts to speak to Voldemort like that was beyond him.

"Were you expecting me to start thinking of all the ways I can escape this? Or were you expecting me to start jumping for joy?"

The Dark Lord studied Hermione. Then he snapped his fingers. "I trust you've met - or at least heard of - Emmeline Vance?"

Hermione knew her. She was a member of the original Order and this one. Hermione watched as the woman was made to stand before Voldemort, in front of Hermione - who still stood in the middle of the room.

"See, Miss Vance doesn't seem to have what I require, and it is therefore necessary to dispose of her, lest she should reveal your status to others." He smirked at Hermione.

Hermione froze. He knew that the secrecy of her alliance mattered most to her - not why, though - and he knew that she'd be torn on what to do. Voldemort pointed his wand at the woman, and she was forces to kneel before Hermione, fighting her restraints. She glared at Hermione with a look of betrayal and disgust.

Hermione glanced at Voldemort before she took a step back and raised her wand.

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