Chapter 11

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Hermione hid around the corner, desperate to get into the room before Harry looked at the Map again.

There, walking up and down, was the little girl Hermione had helped a week ago when she'd dropped her scales. Hermione shuddered. That could be Crabbe or Goyle, and to be honest, she didn't care which.

Hermione racked her brains for something to help her and then, when she was about to give up and go back, when she decided to scare the girl - boy - with a little bit of magic.

She grabbed her wand from the pocket of her robe, and as she did so, she realised it was Malfoy's robe. If it was Malfoy's robe . . . maybe she could use that to her advantage. She saw a small bottle hanging off the little girl's - boy's - belt and without a sound, she brought it to herself.

With one sniff, she knew it was Polyjuice Potion. The question was, was it already mixed with someone's hair?

Hermione thought back to when she'd brewed the potion in second year. This looked exactly the same. It was unused.

She smiled when she found a single blond strand of hair and dropped it into the potion and watched in glee as it turned a pale yellow and green colour. Holding her breath, Hermione drank the potion.


Gregory Goyle did not want to be a First Year girl. He didn't even want to be a First Year, let alone be a girl. How awful! At least he wasn't alone. Sometimes Draco would make Vincent Crabbe stand guard with these ridiculously heavy scales.

Gregory Goyle did not want to infuriate Draco, especially not after the last time he'd asked if Crabbe could have a go instead, so he did what he was told. He seriously suspected that Draco was a Death Eater. In fact, Goyle's father said he might bring him along to the next gathering to have him become a Death Eater!

Gregory Goyle was also very certain that he'd seen Draco enter the Room of Requirement already. Why else would he be guarding it?

Therefore, Gregory Goyle was positively terrified to see Draco Malfoy making his way towards him.

"I thought I told you to guard the room while I was in it," the blond boy sneered.

Gregory Goyle stammered under Draco Malfoy's seething glare. "But - but - you already went in - I heard - you said - I saw - it was the Room of Lost Things - I swear you went in already - I promise -"

"Pathetic," the pale boy spat, "Maybe I should get Crabbe to guard the Room, since you've clearly lost your mind."

Goyle's girl face looked absolutely terrified, and he though he saw a flicker of pity in the taller boy's eyes, but it was gone in a mere second.

He stepped back and watched as the boy walked past the room three times, and then when the door opened, he hastily closed it behind him.


Draco Malfoy was glaring at the broken furniture in front of him when he heard the doors open. Immediately furious, he grabbed the sleek black wand from the table next to the cabinet and stormed towards the doors that just closed, ready to hex Goyle beyond the grave.

However, he did not expect to see a hunched over figure in a black cloak curled up against the door, with telltale brown curls hanging out from under the hood.

"Mudblood," he said when his anger subsided slightly. "What are you doing here?"

When the figure didn't move, Draco got down next to her and shook her shoulder. Hermione almost keeled over, and Draco let go of his wand to hold her upright.

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