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You wake up on the first day after Christmas Break during your 3rd year at Hogwarts. It's currently 5:30 AM, and you're ready to go warmup before the wildly-anticipated Quidditch match against Slytherin.

You walk down to the Gryffindor Common Room to find Oliver Wood waiting for you near the portrait hole. He spots you and smirks, as you smile back.

"'Bout time, Y/L/N. You just 'bout made me late." He says as you approach him.

"Good morning to you too Ollie." You say, punching his shoulder.

"Right, let's go lovebirds." The Weasley Twins say, coming down the stairs.

You roll your eyes and follow Oliver out the door, with the Twins following close behind.

You meet up with the rest of the Gryffindor team inside the locker room. Oliver gives his routine pep talk before the game, and you all go out to warm up.

You watch as Oliver flies up to the hoops. You smile up at him and he smiles back. You fly up to grab the quaffle from Angelina and Katie. You speed towards Oliver with the quaffle tucked under your arm, as a bludger flies towards your head. You dive down and then come back up, level with the hoops. You fling the ball at the far left hoop, but Oliver beats you to it. He grabs the quaffle and flings it to Angelina, who is waiting in the middle of the field. You glare at Oliver, but he only winks and flies back to his position in front of the hoops.

A few minutes later, Madame Hooch tosses the quaffle, releases the bludgers, and releases the tiny Golden Snitch. Katie catches the quaffle and zooms towards the opposite end of the field. You speed after her and you catch the ball as she tosses it towards you. Slytherin players come towards you and pin you in on both sides, pushing against you, but you don't let go of the quaffle. You stop your broom and the two other boys collide into each other in front of you. You wink at them and continue on, passing the quaffle to Angelina, who then passes it back to you. You wing the ball towards the middle hoop and watch as it soars through the hoop.

The crowd goes wild and your teammates soar by quickly cheering. You're not the best flyer nor the best chaser, but you have a talent of being able to dodge and escape anything that the game of Quidditch throws at you.

This same pattern goes on for about 10 more minutes until it starts to rain. Sadly, you and your team weren't prepared for this weather, so none of you brought your gloves with extra grips, except for Oliver, so he could grip the ball to save it from going through.

Soon after it starts raining, Oliver calls for a time out. Since rules say no players can go into the locker rooms until after the game has ended, everyone has to adjust the best they can without their extra gripped gloves. Oliver orders everyone to play their very best until we win. So you all try to do that.

No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't keep a grip on your broom. Eventually, Fred and George ended up dropping their bats more than once, and you and Katie both lost your footing a few times. Finally, with the score 90-30 to Gryffindor, Harry latched on to the Snitch and crashes down into the mud. The entire game seems to stop, but Harry sits up quickly, beaming.

The whole stadium goes electric. Even Snape seems shocked. Which is saying a lot.

You move to stand up on the foot rests on your broom to cheer for Harry with the rest of the team, when the foot rest on the right side of your broom snaps and you begin falling towards the ground which is over a hundred feet below you. With your broom still in the air, you don't have anything to catch you. You let out a scream before you begin slowing down and resting gently on the ground. Within seconds, your team is surrounding you. The rain falling directly down makes your vision a bit blurry, but there's one face you can't find before you black out in the heavy rain.


"Ollie?" You say coarsely when you wake up in the hospital wing a few hours later.

"He's not here." Fred says, looking at you sadly.

"Where is he?" You ask, sitting up against the pillow with some trouble.

"No one knows. We didn't see him after the match. Not in the locker rooms, not on the pitch, not in the common room, and surprisingly, not here by your side." George says, from beside his brother.

"Who's gonna go look for him now? My shift is over." Harry says from the doorway.

"I am." You say, running out the door.

You try hard to ignore the dizzy feeling inside your head. You run all throughout the castle trying to find Oliver. You check the common room, the quidditch pitch, and the locker rooms again just to be sure. You then venture to the Great Hall, all the different classrooms that you and Oliver have together, and even to the Astronomy tower throughout the heavy downfall of rain, but no Oliver. You couldn't find him anywhere. You begin to go back to the common room and just wait for him to come back later that evening still ignoring the profound dizziness in your head, when you hear a familiar, thick Scottish accent from behind you.

"I hear you've been looking for me." He says, his voice wavering.

You turn to find your best friend standing behind you, drenched from the rain as well.

"Only because you weren't there when I woke up." You whisper, looking up at him.

"Because I could have saved you. And I didn't." He says, taking your hands.

"Ollie, it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. I'm fine, trust me. Dumbledore slowed me down so I didn't take the full impact of the hundred foot drop." You say, attempting to look him in the eyes, but he's unwilling to meet yours.

"Y/N, I still can't believe that you fell. I would have given you my gloves if it meant not letting you fall. Letting you be at risk of a fatal injury." He says, angrily.

"Oliver Wood. Don't you dare say that you would have risked winning that match, our most important match of the year, just to save me. Even I wouldn't have saved myself if it meant you being happy and proud of me if we won the cup." You say, taking your hands from him and crossing your arms while taking a step back.

"No, Y/N. That's where you're wrong." He says, finally looking you in the eye.

"What?" You say quietly, looking up at him closely.

"I would have risked winning the match to save you. I would still be proud of you and would still be happy even if we didn't win the cup because either way, I'd have you." He says confidently.

"Oliver, are you saying-" You start, but he cuts you off.

"Yes, I am. That is exactly what I'm saying. I didn't realize it until last year and I didn't learn to accept it until this morning when Fred and George were talking. I know I'm not the best at hiding it, and I can see that you aren't either." He says smiling at you.

"Well, if this is your way of either confessing your love or asking me out, whatever it may be... I accept. Because I obviously feel the same way." You reply, laughing into his chest.

He wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly.

"But I really am glad you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't." He whispers into your hair.

"I'm glad I'm okay too. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this." You reply, looking up at him. Your eyes flicker down to his lips, and getting the invitation, he leans in.

Little did either of you know, almost the entire Gryffindor house knew where Oliver was and that they were all watching from the windows above the courtyard, handing money back and forth after winning and losing bets.

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