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(Possible trigger warning: mention of abusive father)

You're walking down the corridors of Hogwarts between classes with Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Fred and George Weasley. Fred and George continute joking with the other two girls, while you and Oliver continue walking persistently, making sure you aren't late to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Hey, Y/L/N, Wood. Slow down!" Fred shouts at you two.

"Well, boys if you'd stop flirting, maybe you wouldn't have a detention every other day for being late to class." You say, turning and walking backwards, still beside Oliver.

"Maybe if you and your boyfriend weren't so adament about not liking each other, you'd understand how much fun flirting is!" George says, appearing at Oliver's side.

"Oh, because Oliver and I love each other so much." You say, putting your arm around Oliver's shoulders and kissing his cheek.

"SEE!" Fred says, running ahead of you.

"Fred, that was dripping with sarcasm, mate. Even I could understand that, and I hate sarcasm." Oliver says, laughing at the twins.

"See, this is why we go to class, because we learn things that benefit our education. Detention actually does the opposite of that." You say, taking a bow and stepping inside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with Oliver right behind you.

"Nice one." Oliver says, before taking his seat beside you.

Soon after his comment was made, Professor Lupin walks down the stairs from his office.

"Good afternoon, class. I hope you enjoy our lesson today, as I find it very interesting." Lupin says, walking down the stairs.

"What is in the wardrobe, Professor?" Angelina asks from the front of the class, pointing at the closet at the front of the room.

"Inside the wardrobe is a Boggart. Now, can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?" Professor Lupin asks the class.

Your hand goes up in the air, like usual.

"Yes, Miss Y/L/N." Lupin calls.

"No one really knows what a boggart looks like. It takes the form of whatever the person fears most." You say.

"Correct. 5 points to Gryffindor, good work Miss." Lupin says.

"Thank you, sir." You reply.

"Now, line up kids. You'll each be facing your fears today. You'll face the boggart and you must cast the Riddikulus Charm to defeat it. Laughter is a boggarts weakness, kids. Remember that." Lupin says, as you are pushed to the middle of the line with Oliver right behind you.

"You're up next Y/L/N. Good luck." You hear Oliver say from behind you once it's your turn.

You reach behind you and grab his hand, and he give you a gentle squeeze.

Of course Oliver knows that you're terrified of your father, who was extremely abusive to you and your mother, which is why she left you when you got your Hogwarts letter.

You step forward as Professor Lupin opens the door to the wardrobe.

You grip your wand tightly as your father steps out of the wardrobe.

"Hello, Y/N sweetheart. Don't you miss daddy?" The boggart of your father says.

You can't move. You are frozen in place. You haven't seen him in 5 years. You've basically lived with Oliver over the summers since you started at Hogwarts.

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