The Pact

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Italics will be the flashback scene, I'm not too sure how this will work out but oh well.

It's your seventh year at Hogwarts and you're roaming the halls with your best friend Oliver Wood. It's both of your free periods and you love spending time with Oliver. With his future quidditch career ahead of him, you always feared him not having enough time for you. Not that you were too clingy or needy, it's just that you enjoy how happy he makes you. Oliver always told you that he would always make time for you because he enjoyed being around you just as much as you enjoyed being around him. 

"You alright love?" Oliver asks you, breaking you from your thoughts. 

You nod, shaking off the dazed feeling. 

"Yeah, I'm just thinking." You tell him. 

He looks at you and raises his eyebrows. 

You sigh. 

"Do you remember the pact we made in 5th year?" You ask him. 

You and Oliver are sitting on the floor near the fire in the Gryffindor common room eating more chocolate than you should be. You laugh out loud at a joke Oliver told you and he beams at your reaction. 

"What are you looking at?" You ask after you calm down from your laughing fit. 

"Nothing, you just have chocolate on your face." Oliver lies, blushing slightly.

You wipe your face with your sleeve and giggle. 

Silence falls between you two and then you speak. 

"Oliver, what if I never find someone?" You ask quietly. 

"You will, don't worry." He replies, mussing your hair around.

"Oliver, I'm serious." You tell him, pouting a bit. 

"Let's make a pact. If by the end of 7th year, neither one of us has had a successful date within the past 6 months, let's try and do something about it. Whether it be me trying to find you a date or us even dating each other." Oliver offers. 

You make a funny face at the last mention out of habit, but the idea doesn't sound too bad. Let's hope it doesn't sound too bad when the time comes either. You and Oliver both know that you won't have a good date between now and the last six months of your seventh year. You can tell that Oliver isn't object to the idea either.... well I guess you'd hope so since he's the one who suggested it. 


You sigh and lean against him. He wraps his arm around your and pulls you tight to his chest in a hug. You stay like this for a while and eventually, you end up falling asleep in his lap. Oliver hates to wake you, but he wakes you around 2 in the morning so that you can go upstairs and sleep in your bed. 

In reality, you were already comfy enough, but Oliver didn't need to know that. 

Not yet at least. 

Oliver nods, taking a seat in a window sill that overlooks the courtyard. 

You take a seat next to him and sigh again. 

"I'm starting to think I'll never find anyone. We both know what this means." You mutter, fiddling with your thumbs. 

Oliver grabs your hands, hopping down from the window to stand between your legs.

"Now Y/N, you and I both know that that's not true." He tells you. 

You don't respond. 

After a few minutes of silence, he puts his thumb under your chin and lifts your eyes to meet his. 

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