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Fred and Angelina have been dating for about a month now. Angelina wanted you to walk with her to the Three Broomsticks where she was due to meet Fred at 6 o'clock for their one month anniversary dinner. You agreed seeing as you need to go to Hogsmeade anyway because you ran out of chocolate (and that time of the month is nearing). 

You and Angelina began your walk to Hogsmeade at 5:30 and coincidentally met up with Fred and another boy on the way there. Unfortunately for you, the other boy just happened to be Oliver Wood, your crush of 3 years. 

"Hi Y/N." Oliver says, giving you a small wave as Fred and Angelina share a kiss. 

"Hi." You blush in reply. 

The group of four continues the trek towards Hogsmeade, and you speak up as you reach Honeydukes' door. 

"Ange, I'm gonna go in here to pick up some stuff and I'll meet you there." You inform her.

"That's okay. We'll come with you. We've got 10 more minutes until we planned on being there." She replies, smiling up at Fred lovingly. 

"Oh alright." You mumble in return, opening the door. 

You stroll around the store, picking up bits and pieces. You stop at the chocolate section and grab about 6 different types of chocolate. You turn around, preparing to move to the counter, and see Oliver giving you a weird smile. You blush and look away. 

"You like chocolate then?" He prods, smirking. 

"No, I really hate it actually." You reply, moving past him towards the counter laughing a bit. 

Oliver follows you to the counter and stands behind you at the counter. 

"Can I ask you something?" The guy behind the counter says, as he hands you the receipt. 

"Uh... sure?" You reply, looking behind you to make sure there's no line. 

You feel Oliver slightly tense behind you. 

"Would you want to go for a butter beer at 8?" The boy asks nervously. 

"Oh, um I've got a study date at 7, so I don't think I could. I'm sorry." You say, blushing furiously. 

"Alright, well maybe another time beautiful." The boy replies winking, obviously getting a burst of confidence. 

"I don't think so. She already told you. We've got a study date at 7, and she can't make it." Oliver says, putting his hand on your back. 

The boy backs down, and you and Oliver walk back to find Fred and Angelina. 

For the rest of the night, you and Oliver don't speak about what happened in Honeydukes... well until after dinner and some butter beers. You didn't eat much because you had eaten a big lunch and because Oliver was there. Anyway, you sat next to Oliver at a table for four. It was awkward to say the least. It got even worse when another friend walked in and spotted you at the table with Oliver, Fred, and Angelina. 

"Hi Y/N!" Neville exclaims, smiling and waving as he walks up to the table. 

"Hi Neville." You say back, greeting him with a smile. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh- well- um" You start but he cuts you off excitedly. 

"Oh! Is this a double date?" He asks, gesturing to the four of you at the table. 

Oliver spits out his butter beer which just so happens to go ALL over you. Angelina and Fred burst out laughing, and Neville starts to get nervous. 

Oliver Wood One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now