Picnic and Plans

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Today is another Hogsmeade trip for the 3rd years, but since you're a 7th year, you chose not to go to the little wizarding village. Instead, you and your boyfriend of 5 years, Oliver Wood decided to stay on the ground today. Oliver planned a picnic for the two of you, and you couldn't be more excited. He had already had a 3 hour Quidditch practice this morning, so he now has free time to relax with his beautiful girlfriend.

You meet up with him in the Gryffindor Common room, dressed in a simple pair of jeans with a cute jumper. He kisses you hello and you smile back into the kiss. You two walk hand in hand down to the Black Lake, where he had set up a blanket to sit on.

You sit down together, casually talking and grazing on the little snacks Oliver had packed. After you finish all the snacks, Oliver leans back against the tree. You move his legs and sit between them, slouched against his chest.

He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. You lean into his warm embrace and rest your head against his chest. You listen to his calm heartbeat and smile. You close your eyes and relax even more.

You sit there against his chest, calmly listening to his steady heartbeat.

"Why are you so quiet, love?" He asks.

"I don't really know why. I'm just listening to your heartbeat and I feel so calm. With you, I'm safe. With you, I'm at my best." You say, looking up at him.

"I'm glad I make you feel safe. I know the circumstances aren't the best these days, with You Know Who back and all, but I need you to be safe, because if you weren't, I don't know what I would do." He says, looking down at you.

"Awe, Ollie. I hope you feel safe with me too." You say, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck.

"Of course I do. You are my everything. You're my life. Nothing will ever change that, gorgeous." He says, wrapping his arms around you even tighter.

"God, Oliver. You really are perfect, aren't you?" You say, wiping a single tear from your face.

"Sweetheart, I'm the furthest thing from it." He replies, laughing.

"Oh please. I've already claimed that title." You say, looking up at him laughing too.

"Whatever. Either way, you're perfect to me." He says, kissing your forehead.

You sit tightly tangled together for a while, until Oliver lifts you up and stands up.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"Nowhere really, just the pitch." He says, taking your hand and dragging you along behind him.

"Ollie, you know I suck at Quidditch, don't make me embarrass myself." You whine, as he looks back and smiles at you.

You enter the pitch to see just about the entire school sitting in the stands. You stop dead in your tracks.

"Oliver Wood. You know I hate the spotlight. Why is the entire school at the Quidditch Pitch? There's no game." You say, worriedly walking with him to the middle of the Pitch.

"You'll see." He says.

He flicks his wand and summons two broomsticks.

"Ollie, I already told you that I'm not playing Quidditch." You say, giving him a look.

"I know I know. Just trust me please." He says, handing you a broom.

"Fine." You say, taking the broom.

You mount it as Oliver mounts his.

"Rules are simple. Catch the Snitch. Once you catch it, open it." He says, flying off.

"Open it? Snitches don't open, do they?" You ask, extremely confused.

"You'll see!" Oliver shouts back.

You spot the little golden ball flutter past you. You zoom off after it. After about 3 minutes, you catch it and land back on the ground. Oliver lands behind you shortly after.

"Go on Y/N! Open it!" The Weasley Twins shout from the stands.

You look down at the snitch in your hand, and pop the top of it off.

There's nothing inside. You turn around to ask Oliver what this is about when you see him on one knee. There are screams from the crowd and cat calls, as you break down in tears.

"Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, you are the best person I've ever met. You helped me through all the hard Quidditch practices and was able to catch me up on all the classes I was slacking in even if you didn't take them. You are so beautiful, smart, and talented, I couldn't ask for a more perfect person. You not only cheered me on at every game, you made sure I ate before and after each game and practice, and you made sure I studied for all my tests even if I didn't want to. You made sure I knew where everything was in my room and my bags were always organized. When I was sick, you'd take two copies of every note and still remain up to date with your own classes. You made sure I got soup and medicine and you helped me recover from all the injuries I got during games and practices. You were always there when something went wrong for anyone on the team, so you basically you were our mother. Not only are you an amazing person, you're the love of my life and I haven't been more sure of anything I've ever done in my life. I'm aware that we're only 17, but desperate times make people move quickly. I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I really do love you." He says, as silence washes over the stadium.

You remain silent and smile at him, tears still streaming down your face.

"I do love you and if you'd be kind enough as to stay with me forever, through sickness and in health, I'd love you even more, which I'm not even sure is possible since I love you so much already. Y/N Y/L/N, WILL YOU MARRY ME?" Oliver shouts so everyone can hear.

The crowd goes absolutely ballistic.

They get even louder when you nod your head repeatedly.

"Yes, Oliver Wood, I will marry you. I've never been more sure of anything else either. I love you with my everything. How am I so lucky as to have you?" You say, hugging him tightly.

He smiles and pulls away.

"Trust me, baby, I've been asking the same question since I met you." He says, kissing you.

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