Sweetest Thing

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You step off the Hogwarts Express for the last time. You see your little brother and your parents standing next to one of the columns. You run over and hug your parents and your brother.

"I missed you Y/N! Is Hogwarts really fun? I can't wait to go next year!" Your little brother Jacob says.

"I missed you too Jakey," You say hugging him, "And yes, Hogwarts is amazing! Plus, the food is almost as good as mom's!"

Your mother smiles at you.

"We're so glad to have you back sweetie. Now, you have some news to tell us I assume?" Your father says.

"Yes, I do." You say, smiling.

"Go on then." Your mother says.

"I got a job as a writer for the Daily Prophet. I get to go to the Ministry every morning and I get to travel and cover different stories, although they tell me I'll have to choose what kind of stories, whether it be sports or my own column." You say, as your parents beam with joy.

"That's a great job Y/N. Oh, I'm so proud!" Your mother says hugging you tightly.

"Your mother is right. That's a wonderful job." Your father says, patting your shoulder.

Your brother hugs you around your waist and stays there while you have a conversation with your parents about your previous year at school.

A few moments later, your best friend (and sorta maybe crush) Oliver Wood walks up behind you. He tickles your sides and you squeal.

"Oliver!" You shout, turning to whack him in the chest.

He laughs and soon you join in.

"So nice to see you both again Mrs. Y/L/N." He says, smiling at your mother and father.

"The pleasure is ours Oliver." Your mother replies, smiling at him loving.

"Hi Oliver!" Jacob says, pulling on his sleeve.

"Hey there, little buddy. You been practicing?" He says, ruffling his hair.

"Yeah! Reckon I'm as good as you now!" Jacob replies, smirking.

You and Oliver laugh.

"Keep dreaming Jake, keep dreaming." You say hugging him.

He frowns and goes over to stand by your mother.

"What brings you around Oliver?" Your father says.

"I actually came over to talk to Y/N real quick. You don't mind if I steal her away real fast, do you?" Oliver says, taking hold of your hand.

"No, go right ahead sweetheart. We're in no hurry." Your mother says, shooing the two of you away.

Oliver pulls you over about 15 feet from your parents quickly.

"Ollie, what's the hurry?" You ask, chuckling a bit.

"Look, I know we don't have much time and I know this is spur of the moment, but it's important, trust me." He says.

"Okay, okay. Go on then." You say, seriously.

"I know that you know I've been keeping something from you. Now's the time I tell you." He says hurriedly.

"I signed with Puddlemire United last week, and I know we had plans to stay together over the summer and hang out more, but they told me I only had a week and I couldn't pass up such a good opportunity. Please don't be mad. I was under so much pressure and I-" He says, going to continue, but you cut him off.

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