6: The Testing

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We finally arrived to the airfield where Caitlin told me that Barry have tried his powers but now it was my chance to try my powers. I was pretty excited but Cisco was even more excited than me which didn't surprise anyone but me. They must know that he gets really excited for this kind of things.

The first test was for my strength. To start of they gave me a 1 ton weight and I lifted it like it was nothing then a 5 ton weight of and I also lifted it easily. Then, seeing that I was really strong, they skipped to 20 tons but I barely lifted this one which showed more or less how strong I was.

The second test was for my reflexes. This test consisted in Barry trying to hit me in different places as fast as he could.

We started the test with Barry standing 1 mile away and after a second I could feel his force behind me so I turned around and blocked his first punch and this continued for about 10 minutes until finally 1 punch reached my stomach. This showed that even though I didn't have the speed of Barry I had almost the same reflexes than him which proved to be from my point of view quite remarkable and on the other hand strange.

After this test Cisco told me that this was because my body felt the forces of objects and people near me and this helped me realize where Barry was going to punch me next. This made sense to me since I could feel Barry's force coming for me each time he tried to hit me.

The third test was the one I was more excited about, the one for the powers that the Sword of Anubis gave me. This test consisted on me hitting different targets with my rays. This targets had sensors which would tell them what my rays are made of and how strong they really are.

As soon as the targets started appearing I started hitting them and by the time I was done I hadn't missed a shot. It looked like my reflexes really helped my accuracy in a way I hadn't even imagined.

A while after finishing the test, the team still hadn't come to inform me the results of it which was, in my opinion, weird since in the previous tests the results were almost immediate. Finally Cisco stepped towards me and blankly said "Even with the sensors we put in the targets we couldn't figure out what your rays are made of".

"It seems that your rays are made of an energy that mankind has yet to discover" Dr Wells finished. I was pretty shocked. "So basically my rays are made of an unknown energy and you can't tell me what it is?" I asked.

"That pretty much sums it up" Barry said.

"In regards to their power, those rays are more powerful than a bomb and with one of those you could basically destroy a whole building" Caitlin explained.

This left me even more surprised than before. "So I have to be really careful then" I finally said.

But this was not the end of the testing, the team wanted to test the shockwave of energy I had created in my second fight against Barry but I didn't know how to use it or how to create it.

They put different elements all around me to see how they would react to this unknown energy and when they finished placing the elements and were at a safe distance I started to concentrate. At first it didn't work but as the time was passing I started to feel the energy flowing through my veins and finally I could feel this energy abandoning my body leaving me exhausted in the floor.

It took a moment for me to recover and when I looked up I could see that all the elements around me had disintegrated and furthermore a hole in the ground had formed below me. The team advised me to use this ability only in emergencies since it took a lot of my energy and at the same time was really dangerous.

And this was the end of the tests. After this tests all I wanted to do was go to my place and sleep for an eternity but when I was about to lay on my bed my cellphone rang.

"We have a problem and I need your help" Barry said immediately after I picked up.

"What kind of problem?" I asked confused.

"We've been tracking this metahuman who can clone himself as much times as he wants and I need your help to take him down, meet me at S.T.A.R Labs please" Barry quickly explained.

"I don't know Barry, I can't be a hero after all the damage I have done" I honesty filling my words.

I didn't feel like I could be hero even if I even wanted to. I had always wanted to help people in a way but I didn't ever thought of it as in fighting crime and even If I wanted to be a hero I didn't feel like I deserved it because of all the terrible things I had done that I couldn't even remember.

"I know you can be a hero, you weren't the one who killed all those people, now you have the ability to do amazing things and I know you can help the world become a better place by using them to help people". This speech that Barry gave me made me realize that he was right and that I could become a hero and make the world a better place so without even thinking I said "Count me in Barry" and left for S.T.A.R Labs.


When I entered to the Labs, Cisco immediately came over and said while jumping in excitement "I'm so glad you joined the team, this I going to be awesome!" .

"I hope so" I responded. "So who is this meta human?".

"We call him Multiplex and he basically can clone himself as many times as he wants making it almost impossible to defeat him, but I believe that we have found his weakness. We think that if you knock out Multiplex the other clones will be knocked out as well since they are all connected to him" Cisco explained.

"But how do we recognize the real one" I asked.

"The real one probably is going to be exhausted from making clones, so look for the more tired one" Caitlin quickly explained as Barry came to a stop in the middle of the Cortex. "I know where he is heading, Joe told me he is going to Stagg Industries for revenge" he said in a rush.

"Then we have to go" I answered but before I finished the sentence I was being grabbed by Barry and speeding towards the destination for my first mission as a hero.

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