7: The Mission

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It took a couple of seconds until Barry stopped and we were in front of the Stagg Industries Building.

I knew that for us to beat Multiplex we would have to come up with a plan so I said to Barry "You distract all the replicas and I'll find the real one". He just nodded and he entered running.

I entered slowly and looked at the environment analyzing it and see what I could use as an advantage. I decided to go up a couple of floors to have a better angle and spot the true Multiplex. I reached the top floor and started on scan the room. It was full of Multiplex's clones and Barry was barely escaping the grasps of most of them. I was starting to get worried since I still haven't spotted Multiplex so when I saw that 10 copies surrounded Barry I jumped from the top floor landing in front of Barry and at the same time throwing the 10 copies flying through the air.

"That was awesome" I could hear Cisco saying though my comms. I was about to laugh when my thought was interrupted with what appeared to be hundreds of clones running towards Barry and me. I was about to panic but in the corner of my eye I could see the real Multiplex falling to the ground out of exhaustion.

I started to run towards this man hitting every clone sending them flying as I was running towards him but suddenly I found myself surrounded. The clones started to hit me, at first I was stopping all the punches they were throwing towards me but more and more punches continued to come at me and most of them started to hit me.

I shouted in pain from all the punches that were landing in my body but when I did a wave of energy left my body evaporating every clone that surrounded me. After this I could barely stand but with all the energy that was left in me I stood up and started to slowly walk towards Multiplex.

It seemed like hours until I finally reached him and landed a punch in his jaw knocking him unconscious, when I did I finally let myself fall to the ground and close my eyes.


I opened my eyes and I was at S.T.A.R Labs. I tried to stand up but all my body was hurting so I sat on the bed until a voice told me "You should stay still for a few hours until you heal yourself completely". I looked up and saw Caitlyn by my side. "Thank you" I muttered. "Is Barry okay?"

"Yeah he is, after you killed Multiplex every clone stopped moving and after that Barry sped you here". I stood still after what she said, she just said I killed Multiplex. "I killed him?" I asked out of shock.

"Yes you did but it was the only way to stop him, you did what you had to." She said trying to reassure me."I guess I did" I answered standing up and leaving the lab without saying another word.

I arrived at my department and threw myself into the couch but as I landed it broke. "Just perfect,this day couldn't get any worse".

After a while it finally hit me, I killed someone. How was I any different than Chike? I was a killer too. I never thought I could take a life but tonight I did and even though it was the only way to stop him I couldn't help to feel guilty.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I opened my door and Sophie was there. She just stood there nervously until I said "Come in".

I couldn't understand why after I woke up she was so nervous around me. Did Chike do something to her? I thought about asking her but I figured this wasn't the right time and she would tell me when she felt she was ready.

I laughed at the face she made when she walked in my apartment and saw the broken couch in the middle of the living room. "That was my favorite couch!" she shouted.

"Sorry, tomorrow I'll go buy a new one" I said while sitting in a chair."I don't mind you coming over but why did you come?"

"I just wanted to talk.." she paused for a few seconds "about us".

I was confused, what did she mean by us? "What about us?"

She looked at me in a way I hadn't seen her look at me before. "In the time that you don't remember you told me that you liked me". I widened my eyes almost spitting the water that I was drinking.

"I did what?"

"You told me you liked me and I told you that those feelings were reciprocated" after hearing this I finally spat all the water that I was drinking into the floor. She laughed at my reaction and continued "we dated for a few months and it was all great until one day I enter your apartment and you were kissing another girl in your bed, after that we broke up and I hadn't seen you until you knocked on my door, that's why I reacted how I did."

I looked at the floor for a few minutes trying to understand all the information that Sophie just told me and before I did I heard her say "I'll leave you to think about it and tomorrow we can talk"

She knew me so well, she knew that I needed time to take in all the information that she just laid upon me.

"Okay" I said while she opened the door leaving me in my living room alone. After a while of me just sitting in my chair I went to bed and finally try to get some sleep after what it seemed to be the longest day of my entire life.

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