5: The Convincing

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I woke up with a huge headache, I stayed with my eyes closed for a few seconds and then I opened them abruptly. The light raced to my eyes blinding them for a moment but when my sight returned I was in a strange place. I looked around and all I saw where gray walls. I finally remembered what happened before I blacked out and figured it was the place where Flash emprisoned all the metahumans.

I punched the wall with all my strength but nothing happened to it proving my theory right and somehow this cell was keeping my powers in check. I was surprised when I touched my back pocket and the sword was still there. "They forgot about it" I thought. I was about to use my other powers when I saw a camera on the ceiling of the cell and a plan immediately came to my mind.

I talked to the camera knowing that someone was watching and asked the Flash to come, only to talk. After a few minutes I could sense his force as the wall went upwards revealing a glass and on the other side of it Flash was standing.

"So, what did you wanna talk about" he said in a mocking tone.

"I'm not who you think I am" I responded. "Are you going with that again?" He quickly answered making me slightly angry since he wasn't listening or didn't even care for what I wanted to say.

"I'm not the guy who killed all those people, I woke up yesterday without any memory of the past 10 months and then the rest you know". I could see he was confused with what I just said, but since he thought I was a killer who would say anything to get out of that cell he didn't believe me.

"I'm done with you" he said in a cold tone. "No, please, I don't..." I was interrupted by the wall closing.

I guess I will have to go with plan B.

I grabbed the sword, placed it on my chest and rapidly fired a ray breaking the wall and the glass. I walked past the debris when Flash appeared in front of me. But my next move surprised him.

I pulled out the sword from my chest, left it in the floor and kicked it to his side. "I'm really telling the truth". He now looked convinced.

"I will give you the benefit of the doubt for now and let my team test you to see if you are telling the truth" he said making me a sign to follow him. We walked down the corridor and took a right turn to enter a large room full of scientific equipment and technology I haven't even seen before. There was a man in a wheelchair, a man with long hair and a quite beautiful woman standing next to some of this lab instruments.

But I was quite surprised when I felt a force similar to the Flash's in the room but this force was the completely opposite. It felt evil. I didn't make much of it at the time since I really didn't understand my powers but I should have listened to what my body was telling me.

My thoughts were interrupted when the long haired man yelled "What is Chike doing out of his cell?!".

"Cisco calm down" said Flash but I could see he wasn't calming down any time soon. "I think we should test him to see if he can remember anything about the last 10 months or if he is just lying".

They took me to a room with, what seemed like a hospital bed, and they started to test me.


1 hour later I had learned that the beautiful woman was named Caitlin and that the man in a wheelchair was Harrison Wells , the creator of the particle accelerator which created all the metahumans running around the city, including me.

I was left alone in this room until Caitlin opened the door and calmly said "It seems that you weren't lying". She helped me stand up and guided me to the room where I was before but this time I was shocked to see Flash without his mask. "Barry Allen?! You are The Flash?".

Barry and me went way back. He was one of my best friends in my high school days but since I graduated I hadn't seen him but I heard that he was a CSI for the CCPD which wasn't surprising since he wanted to be a forensic scientist since his mother got murdered and his dad was sent to jail for it. I always found Barry's story quite depressing and always wondered how he went through all that and still was the nicest person I had ever met.

"Tomas, nice to have you back buddy" he said giving me the secret handshake we had since high school. "So you're The Flash" I said still not believing my eyes.

"Yes,is it that shocking?" He said laughing making me laugh as well.

We talked a while about our high school days, but then he asked "So you just woke up yesterday without remembering anything since the particle accelerator explosion?".

"Yeah, I was hit by the explosion wave and this sword went through me". They were all shocked since the sword that I was holding was hidden very well in a room here in Star Labs. "How did you do that?" Cisco asked since the curiosity was getting the best of him. " I don't know" I answered. "When I need the sword or I think about it the sword just appears near me".

"Interesting" Doctor Wells said. I could see in his face that he was very confused as if he didn't expect this to happen but this was just a feeling I got.

"So, what else can you do?" Cisco asked in a very excited way.

"I have more strength, better reflexes, I suddenly know Ancient Egyptian and well, when my sword goes in my body I can launch rays from my hands and apparently create shockwaves of energy, but I might have more".

"You are so cool he just has super speed" Cisco said pointing to Barry. We all burst into laughter except Dr Wells who kept himself serious. "I think we should test what you can do" Caitlin said. I agreed and started to go to an abandoned airfield to test my powers.

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