12: Frozen Park

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Wells looked at me in amazement and finally said "That's the least I can do after what you did in there" he said pointing to the S.T.A.R Labs building.

He started walking towards S.T.A.R Labs and made me a sign to follow him and I did.

After a short walk I arrived at what seemed to be an office. He stopped and turned around facing me, "How did you get here?"

"I accidentally shot a ray from my hand to the ground and this created a portal in which I fell. I arrived to another Earth but then I when I tried doing the same thing I ended up here instead of my Earth"

"Well, there seems to be an infinite amount of Earths in the Multiverse so it may not be possible for you to get back home" he said in a cold tone.

I was shocked by his honesty but finally I asked "What do you mean?"

"Since there are infinite Earths you might as well be bouncing from Earth to Earth for all your life and never arrive to yours, but there has to be a way to pinpoint the frequency of your Earth and direct you there but I'm not sure how... yet"

He finished explaining and I nodded in agreement. He turned around and started to work towards a solution to my problem.


"I'm going to take a walk" I said after minutes of sitting around and watching Wells writing words and numbers in a board.

He looked at me and said "Okay, but be back in an hour to see if I have any breakthroughs"

I nodded and started to walk towards the exit of the Lab.

I left the Lab and walked until I saw a beautiful park. It was full of flowers and trees and benches were around a huge statue of a man with a weird looking hat on his head. I walked towards the statue reading what said in the bottom of it.

In honor of the Flash

So there was another Flash on this Earth I thought to myself. Maybe there is a Flash in every Earth of the Multiverse and if they where anything like Barry I would like to meet them all.

Finally I sat on one of the benches and admired this Earth. It definitely was more technologically advanced than mine and Kara's Earth. Skyscrapers were everywhere and planes and helicopters roamed in the sky. I directed my attention to the streets. They were full of people walking but what surprised me the most was that the cars and the bicycles were slightly levitating. I saw people on their cellphones. others with coffee in their hands and in front of me a Big Belly Burger. I guess this three things are a constant in the Multiverse.

I was pulled out from my thoughts when someone snapped their fingers in my face. I looked at the person and was shocked to see that it was Caitlyn. But this Caitlyn was different, her hair was white and her lips where blue and I sensed her aura and realized that she was a metahuman.

"We've been looking for you" she said in a frightening tone. We? I looked around and saw no one so I just ignored what she said and asked "Caitlyn?"

She looked dazzled at first, it seems that she was surprised that I knew her name. "How do you know my real name?"

"I just do"

"I'm not Caitlyn anymore, I'm Killer Frost and Zoom wants you dead" when she finished saying this, ice shot from her hand towards me. I barely dodged it when another stalactite was fired towards me but I was quick and fired a ray from my hand disintegrating it in an instant.

Killer Frost was surprised at what I had just done.

"Guess Zoom didn't tell what I can do" I said with a confident smirk on my face.

"Lets see what you are really made of" she answered with the same smirk on her face.

I started running towards her and she started firing stalactites towards me, I dodged them all but then she froze the ground under me making me slip in the ice and making me fall. She took this moment to start freezing me in the spot.

It was the same feeling that I felt when Kara froze me with her ice breath but this time it was colder. It took me longer to get out from the block of ice surrounding my body. I used all my strength to push the ice away from me and finally the ice broke off and I was free.

Killer Frost was not ready for this and she was less ready for the punch I landed on her jaw finally knocking her out cold, no pun intended.

But when I thought the fight was over a punch landed on my face sending me backwards.

I looked around and no one was there but suddenly another punch hit me in my stomach leaving me unable to breath for a few seconds immediately after a kick landed on my face making me fall to the floor.

I recovered quickly but I still didn't know who was hitting me and how.

Suddenly my gut was telling me to close my eyes so I did.

When I closed my eyes I could feel the aura of everything around me in a much clear way than before. I was kind of distracted with all this energy surrounding me ,when I felt a particularly strange one coming towards me. I felt a punch coming but I quickly stopped it with my arm but when I opened my eyes I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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