4: The Rematch

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Sophie and I finally entered the department. I looked around and it looked completely different than before. There were new photos of the two of us all over the apartment. In most of them it looked like we were a couple but I didn't think much of it at the time.

Sophie looked at me while I was scanning the place and asked "So, you really don't remember anything of the last 10 months?". She said this in a mysterious tone which surprised me. She only talked like that when she was trying to hide something from me.

"I really, don't I woke up today and the last thing I remember is being hit with the accelerator explosion and the sword going through me" I quickly answered.

She looked at me with a very concerned look and a loud "What!? Are you okay?" came from her mouth. I touch my back just to make sure there wasn't a hole in it and said " Yeah it seems like I'm okay".

I sat in the sofa and so did her. When she sat down she asked me "So why do you think that something is wrong with you?".

I answered by saying "Well I was walking home earlier after you shouted at me and The Flash appeared in front of me..". I was going to continue my story when I looked at Sophie's face and noticed that she was about to scream, and she finally did. "You met The Flash!? He is like my idol!" she shouted in a very excited way.

I answered with a simple "I guess so". After seeing how I answered she gave me a concerned look, so I continued my story. "He tried to take me down but when he tried to grab me I stopped him and hit him with an inhuman force".

I watched as Sophie opened her mouth in amazement as I continued my story and when I finished it she couldn't believe it. "So you just blocked a punch from Flash like it was nothing and then knocked him out with a ray of light which came from your hand?"

"Yes that's exactly what happened" I answered but I could still feel like she didn't believe me so I stood up and lifted the couch with one hand like it was nothing. "You believe me now?"

She just nodded.


After a while of Sophie processing the information I laid on her she said "We should go to my friends lab to test you". I agreed with her and when we were going to leave, I could feel the force that Flash emanated near, and I was right. When I opened the door Flash grabbed me and took me to an empty street.

He looked at me in a very determined way and by this I could tell that this fight wasn't going to go the same way as the previous one. I had to try to convince him that I wasn't Chike so I said "I'm not who you think I am".

He laughed after I finished saying this. "So that's what you are going with?" He asked in a mocking way. "I know you are Tomas Steller also known as Chike". "You murdered more than 100 hundred people and you are going to go down for it".

When he finished his sentence I could feel like he was going to attack me, and he did. Punches were coming my way, but I was dodging all of them until one hit me in the stomache. That's when I got mad.

I looked at him with anger in my eyes and felt a huge amount of power flow through me. Before he even react, I was punching him in the face with all of my strength which sent him flying back. After a few seconds he stood up ready to continue. I could feel how angry he was, even angrier than me.

Before he could even move I grabbed the sword from my pocket and placed it in my chest. The sword joined my body and I lifted my hand and shot a ray of black light but this time Flash dodged it and hit me in my jawline sending me flying backwards.

I stood up and he was right in front of me landing punches left and right. With his speed he could punch me 100 times in a matter of seconds.

I was screaming in pain when I could suddenly feel a lot of my energy leave my body creating a shockwave that hit him almost knocking him out and at the same time leaving a hole on the ground below me. "Another trick that I didn't know I could do" I muttered to myself.

He rapidly recovered and to my shock he started running around me in such a velocity that I couldn't even see him. After a few seconds I felt like I couldn't breathe. I figured out that him running around me took all the oxygen that I could breath so I started firing rays of light until one hit him and he flew back. I finally breathed for a few moments but before I could even think of moving to attack him or escape he was running around me again.

This time he was much faster than before. I started firing rays again but none of them reached the moving target and that's when I began feeling lightheaded and finally I passed out.

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