People Who Unfollow -.-

269 14 5

Ughhhh this makes my blood boil sooo much! Im pretty sure that a lot of

people hate this too!


*cries* why?

I may not have thousands of followers but I have a few but I look at how many and it's like 15 then I read a book for two minutes get bored then go back only to see I have now 14 followers -.- why just why?

This may be weird but I know practically how many ppl that have un followed me seconds after following was 3 yes that's not a lot but its not nice but I know I know who you are if you happen to be reading this.....I shall find you.....:-D


Anyway I've been reading a few of these rant books and liked them so I thought why not hope up on this bag wagon holla lol i hope you like and leave a comment of when if you have experienced such buhumbagh

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