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I opened my eyes realising I'd been asleep for hours, wondering what time it was, I saw Ruby and Shire sitting in the kitchen, Ruby was staring out the window then back to the TV which was on a channel I didn't recognise.

"Hi love, how was school?" I asked her getting up off the sofa.

"Shit house.... Ryan didn't speak to me, Kim and Jai weren't at school, I've never felt more alone in my life." She sighed heavily, almost like she was holding back tears.

"Did you want to walk Shire with me? I could use the company, the sun's almost gone down, so you'll be fine outside now." She smiled at me.

"Sure love, let me grab my coat." I said walking back to the living room, putting my coat on I came back into the kitchen and she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. It was almost dinner time for me, though I'd be holding off because she needed me.

"Ready?" She asked half smiling, it looked forced, I'd find out what's wrong, I know she would tell me. The poor girls gone through so much in the last few days, the least I can do is give her an ear to listen to, and a shoulder to cry on.

"Yes, let's go." I said holding the door open for her, my mother turned me into this gentlemen like figure that I still can't shake off, no matter what I do, I'm always nice to women... if I'm not going to drink them that is. I chuckled at that thought.

We walked down her driveway and across the road onto the sidewalk towards the graveyard. The sun was setting pretty quickly, we walked past the graveyard along the streets looking at all the sites around us, she always took Shire into the woods so she could hunt rabbits and Ruby could sit and relax... her life wasn't easy... her mother died when she was young.. that can't be easy for any girl to not have her mother.


We made it to her spot, Shire ran off and did her own thing and I sat down on the nearest log.

"Okay love, spill it, you have been quiet the entire walk, there is something bothering you big time, I can see straight through you." I said raising an eyebrow.

"I have no idea what to think right now, I feel so lost, messed up, confused, I have emotions and feigns all over the place. I wish my head would just stop for a few minutes so I could figure out how I feel about certain things, and have time to make sense of it all and that way I would know what the hell to do next." She sighed sounding like she was going to cry.

"Heyyyy." I said trying to get her to settle a little bit so she didn't cry, she's had enough tears for a long time. I moved closer to her incase she needed a hug, it's the least I could do.. she's kept me alive so far. I guess she feels the same way about me too.. maybe I should bring it out in the open, now isn't the right time though, she has enough to process.

"I just don't know what to do!" She wailed and tears started to form in her eyes. I put my arm around her shoulder and she just cried.

"Do you want me to try and help you? Is there anything I can do?" I asked helplessly. "What's the first thing that's bothering you the most?" I asked rubbing her shoulder in comfort.

"R-ryan." She choked. "He's my best friend, I don't want our friendship to end like that, we have been friends for too long.."

"Okay, well I could try to speak to him?" She cut me off before I could speak again.

"He will kill you!" She shrieked and moved away from me suddenly.

"No he won't love, he's scared of me. Therefore he will listen to me." I smirked.

She sighed. "If you think it'll make any difference go ahead... but I know he hates me and will hate me as long as I'm still talking and being friends with you." Tears fell down her cheeks.

"Than I leave, your life was better before I showed up." I sighed that was hard to say, but if it's going to make her happy that's all I wanted.

"No!" She actually yelled at me. "Don't EVER say that again, you hear me! EVER! I NEED you in my life Drake, you don't understand HOW much you being around me, especially at the moment has kept me from joining my Mum, or doing something incredibly STUPID. Please don't up and leave me like everyone else. What if Ryan didn't speak to me again, even if you did leave."

She took a breath and continued..

"I have a week of school left before I've finished, if Ryan doesn't speak to me, I have no one, because I refuse to talk to Lexi again or rather call her my friend. I never thought I'd be begging a vampire to be my friend, but please! For the love of god, don't leave me like everyone else has." With that she burst into tears. I pulled her close into me and ran my fingers through her hair, and let her cry on my shoulder..

She kept crying and asking me not to leave her... "Ruby, I'm not going to up and leave you love, I was just trying to give you the best chance to have your friend back, if you want me to stay than I will." I whispered resting my chin on her head.

She pulled away from me and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "Thank you." She said softly.

"For what love?" I asked.

"For being so nice to me, it's not exactly something you'd expect." She said I could tell she was being honest.

"You're welcome, It's not something I usually do either...there's something about you Ruby." I smiled looking around for Shire.

"I know." She said and she hugged me. "We should go, so you can go find breakfast." She smiled, she had such a caring nature.

"Shire! Here girl!" She called, and I saw Shire run through the trees right back to her side.

"We'll go home and let Drake go get breakfast hey?" She said cooing over her.

We got up and walked back to Ruby's house, it didn't feel like it took as long this time. She took Shire into the loungeroom and she got comfortable on her soft bed.

"I will be back soon." I said smirking at her from the door way.

"You know you can come in for eternity right?" She smirked back at me.

"Drake, I grant you access to all parts of my house for as long as I live here." I didn't know she knew the always line for invitations... then it hit me... a hunter's daughter.

"Thank you love, I'll return soon." I gave her a half smile, she seemed to go nuts over that, I don't even know why. I feel good looking though she seems to see incredibly good looking, maybe it's true, who knows, all I knew was it was time to feed.

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