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As I walked closer to my house I could see lights on, I stopped dead in my tracks, Drake bumped into me. "What's the matter, scared?" He mocked me, I punched his arm so fucking hard then I turned around and pushed him backwards.

"Fuck you how could you say that!" I snapped.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like you love or care about me anyway, I told you I got a soul only for you, you ignored me like I was sodding nothing." He snapped back.

"You're a monster." I said gritting my teeth.

"Sure I'm a monster, but I'm a monster who's done nothing but look out for you. Who has a soul because I love you."

"I don't believe you." I snapped and threw my head back the other way, preparing what shit I had to face inside, with or without Drake!

"Ruby STOP!" He shouted at me I turned around and stormed up to him.

"What could you possibly want now?" I snapped I was so angry with him right now.

He put his hand up like he wanted me to grab it... I hesitated but took it anyway but instead I interlocked my fingers with his and flames came out of our fingers when they touched each other, I felt the deepest connection with him within seconds that I've ever felt towards anyone.

My anger disappeared so quickly, I felt like my whole world came crashing down and making sense, every tiny confusion I had disappeared, I couldn't let go. I didn't know what it was, this has never happened before even when we slept together, it was just sex, clearly not for him but it didn't mean much to me at the time, well I thought it didnt.. if I'm being honest. Maybe I was wrong.. But this.... This was so much different... So much more than that.

I realised something in those spilt seconds of my epithoany.... he was my soul mate.


"I love you Ruby." He said still holding my hand.

"I love you too Drake." I said not being able to let go of his hand. I don't know how or why but I was able to say it.

"You said it, you finally said it." A smile went across his beautiful face I've never seen him smile that happy before.

"I don't know what this is, or what's happening to me, but I will always love you, forever." I said staring in his eyes.

I pressed my lips against him and kissed him. I broke it after a few seconds.

"We HAVE to go! Dad's in there." I said with glassy eyes.

"I'm with you. I'm with you for eternity I'll keep you safe, I give you my word Ruby." He let go of my hand that was something I didn't expect. He got a soul because he loved me.... I'm kind of  glad Ryan was dead... I had no one stopping me from showing my feelings towards him now if they came up... I didn't have to be torn between two people, or suffer the hurt.

We walked slowly up to the house being careful of our every move. "Please stay here, you'll know when I need you. Please I beg you stay here, I need to be all calm before the storm." I pleaded and pecked his lips again and kept going up my driveway.

I had the biggest gut pain you can imagine, the two people in my life that lied to my face everyday for I don't even know how long, and who left me for dead when Vampire's hate my Dad so they'll sure no doubt come after me... Now they're in the house that I let the only Vampire into, Dad didn't know this so he would get a nasty shock when Drake just freely walked in when the time was needed.

I gulped and took a deep breath as I opened the door. I had to act! Act like my drama class, I could do this. I could do this, Drake said I could do this, I can do this!

I pushed the door open and it was all quiet, I put my coat up on the rack because it was already warm inside Dad had the fire going and I could smell food. I don't know what time it was but I was definitely NOT hungry. I had so much built up rage inside of me, just looking at them they would see daggers of hatred in my face, I had to change this and play it smart.

Drake would be here the split second I needed him, I knew that, for now I needed to do this and face this on my own. This was almost worse than having to kill a vampire in a proper battle. Shire was still upstairs locked in my room, I knew that if I let her out, from the pain I was having she would not only rip Dad apart, but Lexi too.

"Ruby? Is that you?" Dad sounded excited. I gulped and closed my eyes prove you can do this Ruby, if not for yourself, do it for Drake.

"Hi Dad!" I said wrapping my arms around him, I kissed his cheek and played the fakest happy daughter I could be.

"Ruuubz!" Lexi squealed running out from the laundry, jumping onto me almost knocking me over.

"Heyyyy! I missed you guys so much! You were assholes for leaving me with vampires though!" I scolded playfully, although it wasn't playful at all I wanted to see them suffer so badly.

"We are so sorry Ruby! Spare of the moment thing, you get it I'm sure!" She winked and went and hugged my Dad.

"Isn't it cool though, I'm actually part of your family now!!" She squealed again kissing Dad on the cheek.

"Yeah, I'm excited." I plastered the biggest fake smile on my face ever.

"Okay Ruby we have some serious trouble about, I'm not sure what you've heard or who's told you anything where's Ryan? I asked him to keep you safe." Dad asked looking around.

"Dad...he's dead." I said bluntly.

"What you're fucking kidding me? I send that kid to do one fucking job and he gets killed where is he?" He snapped not at me just at the thought of Ryan being useless.

"Well some of him is probably in the graveyard, some in the woods, not sure about the rest." I shrugged.

"Well that's just fuckin fantastic than isn't it! Are you alright? Did anything or anyone hurt you while I was away?" He came over checking me for scratches or bruises or worse, bites.

"You're bitten! Who did that?" He said pulling my neck to the side, look honey she's bitten, you're not a vampire are you Ruby?" He scolded me.

"What the fuck Dad no! I had a close call from a bunch of eight okay Jesus Christ! So I ran I couldn't kill them all I got two but that was it." I snapped pushing his hand away.

"I knew I shouldn't of left you by yourself. You're no vampire slayer, unlike Lexi here." He said putting his awards around her waist putting distance between us.

"No I'm not, I'm a wolf Whisperer who can look after herself and have for the past week without you because you didn't give a flying fuck weather I would be alive or dead when you got back!" I snarled this time my acting was starting to fail. I had to come back quickly.

"Sorry I've just been stressed it was the worst time to leave me Dad I had all my exams this week!" I started to cry, acting the part of the poor daughter in distress.

"Oh honey I know I'm so sorry!" He ran over and came and hugged me... in the last six months this was the first time Dad has actually hugged me. I'm so broken.... I don't know what's going to happen or what I'm supposed to do. I knew Drake was waiting for the call of help, I needed Lexi out of the house so I could talk to Dad alone... and then I needed Dad out of the house so I could talk to Lexi alone. I had to figure something out...

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