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I started walking back up towards my house I could see my Dad looking outside waiting for me. He opened the door and let me inside. Drake was going to come in shortly I just had to tell Dad about Lexi. I had to lie and say she got killed.

Then Drake would interupt us and knock on the door, and would walk straight past Dad because he's already allowed inside. If Dad tried to hard Drake, Shire would intervine, she knows Drake's okay, he's someone I care a lot about, so she will protect him.

"Lexi was taken and bitten, I don't know if they sired her or if they killed her but I almost died too. Drake saved my life." I kept my story up by making tears drop down my cheeks.

"Drake? The most evil, demonised vampire that has ever existed on land and not in the underworld?" His face was plastered with shock.

"Yes." I nodded, hoping he would be happy.

Knock, knock.

"Who is it?" My father called out alarmed at what I just said. Nothing.

Knock, knock, knock.

Dad went to the door and opened it, not having a stake in his hand was a good thing, Drake walked past him and up to me, and patted Shire on the head.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house uninvited?" Dad stood a couple of centimetres away from him.

"I invited him in days ago." I shot him a glare he didn't expect.

"What?!" He said rather loudly.

"Well you left me here on my own, Shire can exactly kill Vampire's that are trying to hurt me and that come through your house even if you don't want them too so what else was I supposed to do. I got your letter broke down in tears that you completely ditched me for my best friend, when you told me years ago that the next time you had to fly out of the country I was the only girl you'd take with you regardless where you were in your life."

"Then not to mention I find out you and Alexis are sleeping together, I felt betrayed like you wouldn't believe I didn't care if I got killed. I ran to the woods and found where Drake lived and almost got killed from a Vampire gang attack and he told them to back the fuck away from me that I was his catch. He's been by my side no matter how badly I've treated him since." It all just blurted out.

"He's a better friend than Alexis will EVER BE and far as I'm concerned I don't even give a fuck what happens, but all I know is I have my army and he's right next to me."

"You lured my daughter into your trap, if you're going to hurt her, just do it already so I can watch you die." He snapped turning back towards Drake smirking at him.

"Why would I hurt the girl. I clergy care about her more than you do" He smirked and spoke said calmly leaning against the wall eyeing my Dad down.

"I beg your pardon?" He said getting angry now.

"You heard me old chap. Your a sodding liar, you left your daughter here alone when anything could have happened to her, I come in and keep her alive, and you're having a go at me for entering your house uninvited... I should probably keep my mouth shut and not tell you that I slept with her, that might make you even more angry. All for more reason for me to protect her... from YOU." He said angrily pointing directly at Dad.

"You vile monster! You unpurifed my daughter without MY permission??" He was really pissed off now this was funny to listen too.

"Twice actually." Drake said smirking, he was stirring Dad up on purpose it was great.

Dad lunged for Drake as fast as he could and Drake chucked him and he rolled over the back of the couch. "Ruby doesn't need you in her life. So I suggest you start cooperating and stop your raging outbursts because it won't end well for you Mr Carpenter." He smirked again walking over to the other side of the couch where Dad was sitting up rubbing his head.

"You monster, you took my daughters innocence and you want my blessing? You've got to be joking." He snarled.

"Oh I don't need your blessing, because it won't be the last time." He winked at me Dad saw it. I just laughed.

Dad came storming over to me. "You let this... this... VAMPIRE take your innocence?" He boomed at me.

"He's still a man you know." I said being a complete smart ass.

"He's no man if he touches my sixteen year old daughter in ways she shouldn't be touched by anyone until she's an adult." He scolded me.

"Guess that's too bad.. he's looked after me more than you did. You made me want to go back to him that night, after the bullshit that happened when Lexi came in and lied to your face about what happened. I was never dead. He's been watching me since Mum died.. he's been looking out for me since the day I lost the closest person I had in my life, while you ignored me and didn't give a flying fuck about how I felt! He told Lexi to fuck off and get out of there because she wasn't worth killing."

"He sat down and spoke to me like a human being would speak to another human being for once I actually had a decent adult deep and meaningful with someone I barely knew, he's been here for me every single time, I've felt down, lonley, BETRAYED, suicidal!!! Or did you forget that I'm like that too!!!" I screamed at him.

"I used to be afraid of you Dad, now I just don't even care what happens to you tomorrow when this war cracks out, but I know if you touch Drake again, Shire will rip your head off, don't you remember the rules of the wolf. Don't hurt the master or anything the master considers important or it'll be the end of you." I quoted perfectly.

"You will not see this....thing again. Do I make myself clear Ruby Annalise?" He yelled at me.

"Get out of my house Drake before I stake your fucking ass to dust!" Dad bellowed at him pointing towards the door.

"What exactly are you going to do if I refuse. The girl let me in, and gave me an eternal pass for her house, I suggest you get used to it, because I'm sticking around." He said calmly fixing the couch up so it looked neat.

"You'd better watch yourself or you may find yourself burning from the morning sun. As for you Ruby you better not disappoint me here, if he touches Lexi he's a dead man." He warned me.

"Oh about her. She's at his house. I helped him put her there, she's their for betrayal of me, we will let her out when she's deserving. If you don't comply and stick to your word of backing down, consequences will be all around. Don't try any funny business to bring anyone here tonight either, you wouldn't want this on record." I said walking towards him and poking him in the chest as he was backing up and his back hit the kitchen bench.

"I'm a different person, I know what I believe in..and that's Drake." I said coldly towards Dad as if he meant nothing to me anymore.

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