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"Have you made your choice yet? I snapped at Alexis.

She shook her head. "I will never side with him ever! He's a killer and he's just going to kill me! Please let me go I'm human like you, you can trust me I won't ever try to kill you, he will!" She pleaded.

"He will kill you then." I said and turned on my heels and walked away, closing the doors behind me. Shaking my head at her, she's so stupid, she's basically been given a second chance and she refuses to take it, I guess being as stubborn as she is will be the reason she gets killed. Too bad all my pity was an act and I don't actually care at all.

I needed to go home and work out what the plan is for the big battle that's going to happen... no one knows when... but it will happen and we have to be prepared. The rest of the hunters I need to get them together now being a hunter slayers daughter I'm in charge now and that's exactly what I wanted. I can control what happens and who does what, it's in my power now, and my wolves will help too.

I expect Drake to be asleep when I get in, maybe I don't think he slept last night, it's nice him having a soul because he can sleep when I sleep if we sleep at all, now knowing what's coming sleeps going to be hard.. there's so much I have to get prepared and trained and planned, I don't think sleeps an option. I may even have to recruit a few potential slayers, so at least I can build a decent army, in case the world does come to an end at least we can say we all tried and die hero's.


I got back into the house and didn't see Dad anywhere. I'm guessing Drake took care of him already... he was basically asking for death anyway... he slept with my best friend. I hated him the moment he up and left me.

"Drake?" I called out quietly incase he was sleeping. I walked into the loungeroom and saw him sitting on the couch leaning on his elbow, sound asleep. "Drake." I shook him softly. I made him jump..

"Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep, are you okay? How's your stupid friend?" He said bitterly.

"I'm fine, she's refusing so, we have to just leave her there and keep trying. I have so much planning to do. Where's Dad?" I asked making sure I knew the real answer.

"I had to do it, I'm sorry Ruby." He sighed heavily and tipped his head back.

"It's fine, I'm fine don't worry about me. I'm now in charge of this and I have a lot of planning to do. I don't know how I'm going to get it sorted but we need a bunch of potential slayers that know you're around and that are willing to fight if they know the apocalypse is coming. The rest if the hunters will have me to look up too now so they can't do anything I don't approve of. Dad was CEO you might as well say, therefore I'm next in line... with him being out of the picture it's now up to me to continue what was first planned."

I grabbed my laptop and started searching for potential hunters and slayers, if I got them on side at least the I could start creating an army for the apocalyptic demon. I found quite a few so I set up an email message and copy and pasted it to every person that showed an email address possible. We needed to work together and if we could work together than we could maybe have the slightest chance of defeating it.

I had to go through Dad's phone and send a massive group message to his slayer colleagues that weren't at our place today. I grabbed Dad's phone off the table and I started going through and I found a group chat on Facebook out of all places, perfect.

Hi everyone, this is Xander's daughter Ruby. Dad told me to message you guys if anything had happened to him, therefore I would be next in line for the battle leader. Unfortunately Dad got killed, by a Vampire. Now I need to take charge of the rest of this situation. If we could all meet at my house tomorrow that would be wonderful,

Thank you.
Ruby C.

I hit send and got out of his Facebook,  I'm the one that set it up for him to start with so naturally I know how to get back into it when I needed too.


The rest of the fay dragged on like crazy I was so tired and exhausted from everything that happened this morning once it got to eight-thirty I almost already wanted to go to bed. We had a big day tomorrow hopefully answering emails of potential girls and guys saying yes they'll join us we needed as many people as possible!

I went and had a shower so I could get comfortable in my pyjamas and sit in bed and watch a movie with Drake and fall asleep, now that Dad wasn't around anymore, Drake said he would stay with me.

I let the hot water hit my skin it was still really cold at night, the warmth from the shower made you not evert want to get out, the bathroom was all steamy so at least it was warm to get changed in, I hated walking out of the bathroom when it's freezing you get goosebumps immediately.

I got out of the bathroom not cold for a change, I went down stairs and picked a movie, Drake was in the kitchen washing up the last set of plates. "What do you feel like watching?" I called out to him.

"That's up to you love, you won't last long anyway." He laughed slightly.

"That's true!" I laughed. I went upstairs and set it up and sat in bed getting comfortable.

"A vampire movie? How ironic." Drake started laughing.

"I know, I couldn't help myself." He put his arm around me and half an hour into the movie I started falling asleep. "Goodnight Drake." I whispered.

"Goodnight love." He smiled and kissed my head.

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