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I had an idea pop through my head. Kim and Jai could take Lexi out tomorrow so I could talk to Dad alone. For now I needed Lexi alone and Shire needed her walk! Perfect! Drake could linger around, Lexi was scared shitless of him, If I get him to show up and then show Lexi that he's on our side if she doesn't agree or wants to hurt him or even tell Dad about it, I'll make sure he knocks her out and keeps her in his crypt until we can trust her or knock some sense into her, my Dad is a creep for screwing a sixteen year old, that is NOT okay.

Now I know she's used to old men hitting on her so for her this was normal, and Dad obviously had that protection role going on but she needed to snap out of it and fast, I'm hoping Drake will be able to do that and then she might come back onto our side and together we can make sure the right people and vampires get hurt, not the wrong ones.

Dad sat down and told me everything that was happening and predicted what would happen, the Demon of the Underworld also known as the Apocalypse Demon has almost been freed if we don't kill those responsible with this power than the demon will walk free and the whole world will be over. It will be more than just world war three it will be the entire world apocalypse.

I had to make sure Drake was accepted to be on our side. If it meant scaring Dad half to death then that's what will happen.

"I need to walk Shire." I said softly.

"Okay sweetheart, take Lexi with you I'm sure you two have ALOT of catching up to do!" He smiled and kissed my head.

I nodded "Lexi I'm just going to go get Shire, I'll be down in a minute, come for a walk with me and Shire?"

"Will we get caught by Vampire's again?" She frowned not liking the idea.

"No we should be fine, this time." I smiled

She nodded. I mumbled under my breath as I walked up the stairs. "You'll be okay if you cooperate." I laughed silently to myself.

"Hey baby girl." I said walking into my room she was laying on my bed looking at me.

"I have a plan, we need to take Lexi with us to walk." I whispered. She growled at me showing her teeth.

"Can you trust me? Drake's going to be included in this plan. If she doesn't comply Drake keeps her." I kissed her head. She gave me her paw, I knew this was her way of saying okay.

"Come on Shi Shi let's go! Walk time!" I called out louder so Lexi or Dad didn't get suspicious.

She followed me down stairs, she growled walking past Dad I glared at her and she stopped immediately.
I grabbed my hooded coat and went out the door, Lexi following behind. I saw Drake standing in the bushes, I pointed to the graveyard he saw me and nodded. I hadn't told him the plan yet, but I would make Lexi and Shire run up to the entrance without me so I could quickly tell him.

"You two go ahead Shire has been trained to hurt Vampire's now I promise she will protect you, there's something I need to do, I have to see Mum." She nodded really hesitantly.

"Trust me Lex." I blew her a kiss, she smiled and chased Shire. Shire was smart she knew I saw Drake and knew Lexi wasn't allowed to yet.

"Drake!" I called quietly hoping he'd hear me with his impeccable hearing he popped up beside me.

"I'm taking Shire for a walk with Lexi and hoping to change her to our side and go against Dad and his crew if she doesn't you need to scare her knock her out and keep her chained up in your crypt until she complies, can you do that for me? You need to follow me to her, she has no idea... Shire does, Shire helped me by making her chase her."

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