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I must have dozed off because there was no light in the sky at all now.. it was pitch black besides the stars. I turned the ignition back on and started driving again faster than before I needed to get to the edge! I just needed too.

I was driving for hours! I saw the clock and it read 6:30 the last time I looked it was 7:45 pm. It's now the next day. I kept driving my fuel was low... but there was deserted shops and gas stations and houses everywhere like everyone came down for the underground battle and died... or got sucked under like quick sand. I knew I was getting close because it was becoming more and more abandoned.

I drove faster and faster until I could see it up ahead! I could see the rubble! I was near the edge!!! I turned the car off and jumped out and started running, I was running so fast my legs couldn't keep up with me, my sides were burning, my legs were aching, my back was flaring up like I had run a marathon and I was running for me life!

All of a sudden I had to start slowing down, slower and slower and slower until I came to a halt. There in the distance I saw something. I couldn't make out exactly what it was but it was something, I wasn't imagining it. It started to get closer to me, and closer and closer until I could make out it was a person, or maybe a vampire!

A vampire! "DRAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "DRAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" I started running again. Oh god please if you exist let it be him, oh please oh please. I couldn't see Shire... that brought a tear to my eye... I guess my beautiful girl didn't make it... I will make her a spot when I get to wherever I'm going after all of this...

I stopped abruptly.. and got ripped from my thoughts as I saw the figure get closer to me. I could make out there features now.....

Bleach blonde spikey hair, black shirt that was ripped, long black pants that looked scuffed up and had been through the ringer, and black boots at looked more grey than black.

I screamed with happiness! "DRAKE!!!!!!!!!" I bolted towards him and he saw or heard me.

"RUBY!!!?" He gasped in shock.

I literally jumped at him and almost knocked him over, vampire strength kept him standing as I jumped into his arms and smashed my lips against his, my heart pounding so hard and fast I was so happy right now, nothing, literally NOTHING could take away my happiness right now!!!

"You're alive!!!!! I knew you'd be alive!" I screamed and kissed him again he had tears in his eyes, I started crying so hard and I hugged him so tightly I refused to let go.

"I thought I lost you!!!" I cried into his neck.

"I thought you did too love. It took me hours to get out of that mess down there. I came up and saw you gone, I thought I'd lost you forever." He actually cried into my shoulder.

"They took me away telling me that you kept me alive a sacrafice yourself they took me away! Far away from here it took me almost two days to get to you!" I cried ever harder. He put me down, sat down on the floor and pulled me onto his lap and held me.

"I did sacrafice myself for you love. I made that promise to you. I didn't know I had that power to eleminate the demon until I looked in your eyes while you were fighting, all of a sudden I became this strong powerful immortal being and I needed to express my power, it was hurting to hold it inside like a ticking time bomb." He said squeezing me even tighter.

"Oh my god I can't believe you're alive Drake!" I squealed this time, still tears falling down my cheeks, I couldn't be happier!

"I'm alive, well... that depends what you want to call alive." He laughed.

I laughed and fell back into his chest hugging him tightly again. "I never want to be so scared like that about you ever again!" I felt tears fall down my cheeks again, not good ones now.

"Let's hope you don't have to love." He kissed my neck and then just kept his lips pressed against my shoulder.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

"Not as much as I love you, I think I proved that, didn't I?" He laughed half heartedly.

"Don't ever do that again escape with me next time!" I scolded him for laughing.

"I'll do whatever means necessary to keep you alive love.. that's just how it's going to be. I love you, I'd die for you Ruby... end of story." He said calmly with his sexy voice that I've missed so much.

I stayed in his arms and didn't even want to move. I was so tired I hadn't slept in almost three days, they just drugged me up so I would be asleep... I was so tired, I started doing in his arms, he didn't even move me, he just let me sleep.


"Ruby?" I heard my favourite voice.

I flicked my eyes open and the sun was in the sky at the highest peek. "Yeah? How long was I out I'm so sorry." I laughed softly sitting up to look at him.

"It's the next day love, you slept all afternoon and through the night." He kissed my head.

"Oh shit." I said rubbing my eyes.

"I have a question for you though." I said looking back at him.

"Yes love?" He smiled at me.

"What are we going to do now?" I said wondering what life lead for us now.

"I don't know. All I know is I've lived for sodding ever Ruby, I've done everything there's almost nothing left for me to do. I've done things with you I can't spell, but I've never been close like that, to anyone. Least of all you, until last night. All I did was hold you, watch you sleep, and it was the best night of my life. So yeah, knowing where we go next, together this time so again yeah, I'm terrified!

I looked into his eyes and saw the same flames that egnited when our hands entwined that day, and I knew Drake was the one. His eyes locked with mine, I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know where we will end up, or where we will be. Though one thing I know for certain and am one hundred percent sure about, that I wasn't even sure about before is I want everything I do from today onwards to be with Drake.

I finally found my place in the world, where I belong. In his arms.

We sat there in each others arms.. on this dirt path, facing what used to be our home, wondering what the hell to do next... We both knew it would be easier this time because we would be together.



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