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Evan waited outside as Evelyn and Jonathan were inside talking to the curator. Evan looked around and let out a sigh, she wants to go back to thrill seeking, she wants to feel the adrenaline coursing her veins. Soon Evelyn and Jonathan came out, Evan walks over to her siblings.

"So what happened?" Evan asked and they walked out of the museum.

"He burned off the part with the lost city." Jonathan said sadly. Evan turned and started to walk back to the Curators office but Evelyn grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Pack your bags, we are going to Thebes." Evelyn said and walked away from her siblings.

"You need to tell her that you stole it!" Evan snapped at her brother who looked at her shocked.

"How did you know?" Jonathan asked and Evan glared at him.

"I didn't. You just told me." Evan said and Jonathan muttered something under his breath.

"Lets go." Jonathan said and pulled her arm.


Cairo prison. One of the worst hell holes on earth. Every low-life form of scumbag can be found here. The warden, a first rate scumbag himself, escorts Evelyn, Jonathan and Evan across the gallows courtyard.

Evelyn whispers to Jonathan, "You told me you found it on a dig down in Thebes!"

"I was mistaken." Jonathan told her. Evan rolled her eyes. Now that Evan was with her sister, she had to wear skirts.

"You lied to me!" Evelyn scowled.

"He lies to everybody, what makes us so special?" Evan asked as she looks around.

"We're his sisters!" Evelyn said annoyed.

"That just makes you more gullible." Jonathan told Evelyn.

"You stole it from a drunk at the local Casbah?!" Evelyn whispered yelled.

"Picked his pocket, actually." Jonathan corrected.

"Same thing!" Evan said and turned her attention towards the warden. "What is he in prison for?"

"I did not know, so when I heard you were coming, I asked him that myself." The warden said and Evelyn walked besides her sister pulling Jonathan along.

"And what did he say?" Evelyn asked.

"He said... he was just looking for a good time." The warden told her. Evan looked at him in disgust and pulled her sister closer. The interior cell door burst open. O'Connell is in chains, dragged by four guards, they shove him up to the cell bars. From the looks of it, he's been here awhile; his face is half hidden by long hair, a scraggly beard and many new bruises. Evelyn looks at him, disgusted by his appearance. Evan looked at Jonathan with a 'really' look.

"But he's just a filthy criminal?" Evelyn said and Evan glared at her sister.

"Way to go, Evy." Jonathan told his sister. O'Connell gives Evelyn and Evan the once over, then looks at Jonathan.

"Who are the broads?" O'Connell asked.

"Broads?!" Evelyn asked in disbelieve.

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