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Imhotep lifts Rick up with his left arm and throws him. Imhotep puts his right arm back. Jonathan stands, "Evie! Evan! I got it." Jonathan said and lifts up the key / box. Evelyn takes the key and turns towards Rick and Evan.

"Keep him busy!" Evelyn ordered and turned towards the book. Imhotep throws Rick. The man crashes into the side of a mausoleum. Evan twirls her dagger as Imhotep turns to her.

"No problem." Rick breath out. Imhotep grabs Evan. The dark haired beauty stabs the mummy, she lifts her feet and pushes the dagger further in. Imhotep let's out a scream.

The mummy drops the woman and she falls on her knees. Imhotep has a betrayed look in his face, his wife, his everything was against him. Evan glares at the mummy. Rick walks up to her, fists raised.

"Great job, honey." Rick said as his head spinned. Evan twirled and kicked Imhotep, knowing that the mummy wouldn't hurt her. Hopefully. Evan winks at Rick.

"I do try." Evan said. Evelyn quickly opens the golden book. Imhotep walks to the two. Rick and Evan went wide eyed.

"Run!" The two ran in different directions. Imhotep grabbed Rick and threw him across the room like a rag doll. Imhotep turns towards Evan who no longer had weapons.

"Read the book, my curiosity said. It will be fun, it said." Evan muttered. Imhotep lift her up. Rick grabs the dagger that Evan previously had and threw it at Imhotep.

The handsome mummy turned, throwing Evan to the side. Imhotep stalked towards Rick, lifting him up by his throat. Evan moaned in pain, feeling the back of her head. Bright red blood sticked to her fingers.

Imhotep choked Rick. The mummy said something in ancient Egyptian. "Kadeesh mal! Kadeesh mal! Pared oos! Pared oos!" Evelyn read.

Imhotep pivots and looks at Evelyn, a look of sheer terror on his face. Then he looks over at the detritus bog. Which starts to bubble and shift. The swirling hole begins to open. Suddenly the spirits of the Egyptian gods waft out of the black bog and swirl around the Priest-mummies. The mummies all collapse and turn to dust. And then the spirits attack Imhotep. Lifting him up into the air.

Rick was dropped to the ground. Rick stumbled down the stairs, his hands grabbing the sword on the ground. The slightly dizzy Rick lifted it. "I thought you said it was going to kill him!" Rick snapped at Evelyn. Evan stumbled towards them, leaning against a wall.

Imhotep ran towards Rick, the sword that Rick was holding cut into Imhotep's abdominom. The two men looked down, blood stained the sword and Imhotep's hands. "What Evie read made him mortal." Evan breath out. The young woman had hit her head hard, she was starting to see black spots. Rick glanced at her in worry.

Rick pulled the sword out. Imhotep moaned in pain, walking backwards into the detritus bog. Imhotep slowly starts to become rotten, almost as if he was turning back into the mummy they first found him. Imhotep looks up at the four, Evan leaning against Rick.

"Death is only the beginning..." Evan translated. All of a sudden, almost as if a switch was pulled down, the walls started to come down. Sand poured through the ceiling. Rick grabbed Evan's hand who grabbed Evelyn's who grabbed Jonathan's, they all ran.

"Time to go!" Rick said. Jonathan tripped and fell, the golden book falling into the detritus bog. Jonathan stood up and ran. Evelyn ran back, looking down at the book with sad eyes.

"You lost the book!" Evelyn said in sadness. The three ran back and grabbed Evelyn.

"You have memories, now run." Evan ordered, pushing her siblings forward. Sand poured down on them, filling the hallways. The three ran threw a chamber that contained all of Egypt's gold. Jonathan stopped to look around, greed in his eyes.

"Can we just--" Jonathan said in awe. The three ran back and grabbed Jonathan. Evan grabbed a golden cup, handing it to Jonathan.

"Now run!" The four continued to run, Jonathan holding his cup close to him.

"O'Connell!" The four heard someone yell. Jonathan crawled threw a wall that was coming down. Evelyn, Evan and Rick following behind. Evan and Rick outstretched their arms to help Beni.

"Come on! Come on!" Rick called out. Beni got on his knees but the wall was almost all the way down. Evan's fingers brushes against Beni's but Rick pulled her away when he saw that the wall was going to crush her arm. "Goodbye Beni."

The four finally made it outside, buildings were falling. They all ran until they were besides the camels that were relaxing in the middle of a crisis. They turned to see Hamunaptra sink. Suddenly a hand was placed in Jonathan's. The older man screamed making everyone else scream. Evan had tripped and fell into the sand, Evelyn falling on top of her. Rick and Jonathan looked up to see Ardeth on top of a camel, a smile on his face.

Evan patted Evelyn's arm. "Evie, you are currently crushing me." Evan breath out. Evelyn quickly got up. Rick helped Evan up. "Thank you, thank you. You almost gave me a heart attack." Jonathan mumbled the last part.

"You've earned my gratitude and the gratitude of my people." Ardeth said. Jonathan smiled up at him.

"Ah, as well. Its no big deal." Jonathan said. Ardeth smiled at Evelyn. The drown haired librarian blushed.

"May Allah smile upon you." Ardeth said, kissing his hand and sending a salute towards them. Jonathan tries to mimic Ardeth's movements.

"And yourself." Jonathan said. Ardeth smiled down at Evelyn. The Mumia turned his camel. Evan slightly pushed Evelyn.

"Go." Evan whispered to her younger sister. Evelyn nodded. The young librarian called out to Ardeth.

"Ardeth!" The Mumia stopped and turned towards Evelyn who was running towards him. Jonathan looked at his younger sister in confusion.

"What in the world is she doing?" Jonathan questioned. Evan looked up at her brother.

"She's growing up, Jonathan." Evan said with a smile. Jonathan looked at his sister and Rick. 

"I guess we go empty handed, again." Jonathan said sadly. Evan raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, you got a cup." Evan said. Jonathan nervously looked away from his sister.

"I kinda lost it..." Jonathan muttered. Evan went wide eyed.

"JONATHAN! We almost died for that cup!" Evan scold. Jonathan looked away and walked towards the camel.

"And I wouldn't saw we are leaving empty handed." Rick said as he looked down at Evan who turned towards him. Jonathan scoffed. Evan smirked up at Rick.

"Hm, Mister O'Connell, I remembered something that happened not to long ago." Evan teased. Rick smiled down at her.

"And what is that?" Rick mumbled under his breath as he pulled Evan close. Evan smiled up at him.

"I'm going to kiss you, Mister O'Connell." Evan said remembering their second kiss. Rick smiled, leaning closer.

"Call me Rick, and I'll consider." Rick teased. Evan rolled her eyes playfully.

"Really now?" Evan questioned. Rick nodded.

"Yes--" Evan pulled him down to her height, her chapped lips meeting his. Rick pulled Evan close. Jonathan and Evelyn got on the camels. Evan and Rick pulled away and got on a camel, unknown to them that they didn't exactly leave empty handed thanks to a certain someone.

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