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The rabid vultures are already moving in for the kill. Rick quickly bends down, pulls open a cistern/manhole cover and shoves Jonathan down inside it, then jumps in after him. The Curator pushes Ardeth Bay towards the cistern hole.

"Go! Find a way! Kill the creature!" The Curator says then turns and throws himself at the mob as Ardeth Bay crawls down into the hole. The mob tears the Curator apart.


Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth slosh their way down the watery catacomb, crazies pouring in behind them. Up ahead, a light suddenly shines in from another cistern hole, and then more of the infected crowd drop down, screeching like rats.

Rick jags right, pushing Jonathan and Ardeth ahead of him, he strikes a match off the wall, lights the nubby fuse on a stick of dynamite, throws it, and runs like hell. Fire blast incinerates a bunch of crazies. The explosion blows a cistern cover fifty feet into the air, followed by a mass of flammage...


A sewer grate is kicked out of a wall. Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth climb out of the hole and into an alley. "We gotta get her back. We got to get them back." Rick corrected himself. Jonathan didn't seem to notice.

"I'm with you, old man. No one touches my sisters like that and gets away with it." Jonathan said. Rick turns toward Ardeth.

"You know where he's taking her?" Rick questioned. Ardeth nodded.

"Yes. To Hamunaptra. To perform the ritual." Ardeth informed them. Jonathan looks worried.

"And what ritual would that be?" Jonathan asked with worry.

"The ritual to bring the bodies of Anck-su-namun and Abayomi back to life." Ardeth informed looking at both men.

"And how does one do that?" Jonathan asked in curiosity.

"By reading the Book Of The Dead." Ardeth said.

"Oh yes, of course." Jonathan nodded his head.

"And then killing your sisters." Ardeth said with a frown. Jonathan looks at him shocked.

"Excuse me?" Jonathan asked as if he hadn't heard the first time. Ardeth Bay looks at Rick.

"Imhotep is now able to cross the desert with great haste." Ardeth said and began to walk.

Jonathan taps him in the shoulder, "Begging your pardon, but I wasn't quite clear on that last part."

Ardeth ignores him, "If he arrives before us, it will be too late." Jonathan continued to try to get the Mumia's attention.

"Did you say 'kill' my sisters?" O'Connell smiles.

"I know how to beat him to it." With that said Rick leads them to the erfoud dunes- dawn. Jonathan's bashed-in convertible steams it's way up to a set of semi-abandoned Quonset huts. A single WWI biplane with R.A.F. insignias sits in the sand beside them. A sign reads: HIS MAJESTY'S ROYAL AIR CORP

Rick, Jonathan and Ardeth stand before Winston Havlock, the massive dunes of Erfoud as the background.

"So what's your little problem got to do with His Majesty's Royal Air Corp?" Winston questioned.

"Not a god-damned thing." Rick answered honestly. Winston looks intrigued.

"Is it dangerous?" Winston asked.

"You probably won't live through it." This really interests the old man.

"By Jove, do you really think so?" Winston questioned.

"Everybody else we've bumped into has died, why not you?" Jonathan said. Winston nods his head, he's hooked.

"So what's the challenge then?" Winston asked.

"To save the damsels in distress, kill the bad guy and steal his treasure." Rick explained simply. A slow grin spreads across Winston's face, then he gives them a snappy salute. "Winston Havlock at your service, sir!" Winston said.


Way off across the desert, a large sand-devil races over the dunes. The sandy whirlwind comes to a stop and starts to dissipate. Evelyn, Evan and Beni are suddenly ejected out of it, they land in a dune. The swirling sand condenses and forms into Imhotep. He looks up into the sky, listening carefully. Evelyn and Evan shake the sand out of their hair and look at Beni.

"What just happened?" Evelyn asked as Evan stood up and brushed the sand off of her. The dark haired beauty glared at Imhotep.

"All I remember is him turning into a blast of sand... and then I remember nothing." Beni said. Evan stalked up to Imhotep. The middle Carnahan walks in front of Imhotep with a glare.

"You can't do that to people!" Evan snapped but was ignored. Evan gasped in disbelieve.

"Unbelievable!" Evan shook her head and walked over to her sister. Then they hear a plane in the sky and look up.

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