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Chained tight to the top of the altar, Evelyn and Evan hopelessly struggle to free themselves. Evan stops as Priest mummies start surrounding the altar. Evelyn is horrified as the hideous mummies kneel down and begin to chant, which now sounds even more horrific due to the lack of tongues, jaws and mouths in the room. Imhotep steps up carrying the black Book Of The Dead. His hand reaches out and lovingly caresses Evan's cheek.

"No, no no no.." Evan said as Evelyn looked ready to scream.


Rick and Jonathan are digging away at the seams of the secret compartment, it starts to give. And that's when Ardeth spots another group of rotting mummies coming down the dark passageway, heading right for them. Rick looks up. "These guys just don't quit." Rick said. Ardeth grabs the elephant gun and a handful of shells and runs off towards the mummies.

"Keep digging!" Ardeth ordered. Rick and Jonathan redouble their efforts, pulling harder on the seam. The compartment starts to loosen. About to give.

Jonathan and Rick keep tugging. The tension mounts... and that's when a skeletal hand bursts up out of the ground and grabs Rick's ankle. Several more moldy hands burst up out of the ground. Rick and Jonathan struggle with the mummies as they crawl up out of the dirt floor.

One of the mummies violently shoves Rick away. Another grabs Jonathan by the throat and starts to strangle him. A third mummy grabs at the secret compartment and pulls hard. An intense burst of acid sprays out of the seam and hits all three of the mummies. The one strangling Jonathan gets it in the back and drops him. All three mummies melt horribly. 


Imhotep begins to read from The Book Of The Dead. A large swirling hole starts to open in the detritus bog. Evan's eyes widen in amazement and horror. A loud scream escapes Evelyn's mouth. Evan begins to pull the restrains. "Come on...come on..." Evan mutters as she pulls, her wrists and ankles turning red.


Ardeth blasts away at the oncoming mummies. over at the base of the statue, Rick and Jonathan pull an ornate chest out of the secret compartment. Rick rips off the lid, reaches inside and pulls out a heavy burlap bag. He and Jonathan exchange nervous, excited looks. Then he reaches into the bag and slowly pulls out the solid gold Book Of The Living. Golden light reflects off their faces as they stare at it in wonder.

The elephant gun goes empty. Ardeth takes it by the barrel and wades into the remaining mummies swinging. "Save the girls! Kill the creature!" Ardeth yells. The mummies quickly overwhelm and start to tear him apart. Rick lights the last stick of dynamite and throws it against the far wall. He and Jonathan hit the deck.

"That's the last one, we better get lucky." Rick said. The wall blows. Debris collapse, but now here's a hole for them to get out. Rick and Jonathan race out through the hole just as the remaining mummies enter the chamber.


Outside, Beni staggers across the sand with a saddlebag filled with treasure. He throws it over the rear of a camel. Starts to climb up. Hesitates. Looks back at the temple door. Licks his lips. And then his greed gets the better of him and he quickly climbs down and scurries back towards the door.


Imhotep reads from the Book. The rotten Priest-mummies rock back and forth, chanting. Evelyn and Evan struggle. Then suddenly, the strange mist wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the sacred jars, it passes through them and into Evelyn. Evelyn jerks as though she's been electrified. "Evelyn!" Evan yelled.

The mist passes through her and into Anck-su-namun's body. The chanting Priests, swirling hole, wafting mist and Imhotep's readings reach a crescendo. Anck-su-namun's crusty eyelids suddenly pop open. Evelyn stares at her in disbelief. Evan screams.

Anck-su-namun's rotted head turns and looks at Evelyn with empty sockets. Evelyn freaks out and struggles wildly, then she notices Imhotep holding the ancient sacrificial knife. "With your death, my love and I will be invincible!" He raises it up over Evelyn's chest, about to plunge it down. Evelyn's eyes widen in horror. Evan yells at Imhotep. And that's when Rick and Jonathan burst in. Imhotep spins around and faces them.

"I found it, Evy! Evan! I found it!" Jonathan yelled excitedly. Evan glares.

"I am proud of you, Jonathan but get us off of here!" Evan shouted. Rick grabs an ancient sword out of a statue's hand, jumps up onto a gravestone and leaps out over the Priests. The Priest-mummies stop chanting. The mist vanishes.

Imhotep steps forward. Rick strikes the sacrificial knife out of his hand. Imhotep bellows a command. The Priests stand up, swords and knives in hand, they attack Rick.

Everything happened at once...

"Open the book, Jonathan! Open the book! That's the only way to kill him!" Evelyn yelled at her older brother. Evan remembered the dagger she had, the only problem was that it was on her thigh.

Rick racks and chops at the attacking Priest-mummies, fighting his way to Evelyn and Evan. The skeletal creatures wildly swing their swords, trying to stab Rick. Jonathan fumbles with the book, struggling to open it, he can't.

"I can't open it! It's locked or something!" Jonathan yelled his sisters. Rick cuts two of the mummies in half, then swings his sword down at Evan, CLANG! One chain breaks free.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Evan winked at Rick. Blood rushed to Rick's cheeks. Jonathan spots a series of solid gold, four-sided locks along the binder. It hits him like lightning..."We need the key!"

Imhotep grins, then grabs the key/box hanging from a chain around his neck, rips it off and shoves it into his pocket. He picks up the sacrificial sword and heads for Jonathan. Evan reaches down towards the thigh trying to grab the dagger. The tip of her fingers brush against the dagger.

"What do I do, Evan!? Evie!? What do I do!?" Jonathan yelled as he backed away. Evan huffs as she pulls on the restrains, her wrist start to turn purple.

"Read the inscription on the cover!" Evelyn yelled. Evan looks around and saw Rick fighting off the mummies, Jonathan was running away from Imhotep. She had to get herself out of the restrains.

"Rick! Free my sister!" Evan yelled at Rick. Rick swings his sword down again, CLANG! Evelyn now has one hand free. More mummies attack Rick force him back.

Jonathan quickly starts translating the cover inscription, but his ancient Egyptian is clearly awful. "Keetash-something, naraba-something." Jonathan starts to backpedal through the cemetery, clutching the golden book; wide-eyed, as Imhotep moves in on him.

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