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Team of explorers swarm the docks. Across the Nile, the pyramids spike the sky. Evelyn, Jonathan and Evan walk along the boardwalk besieged by hawkers selling everything from toy tombs to King Tut action figures.

"Do you really think he'll show up?" Evelyn asked her siblings while they walked.

"Well, considering that we did save his neck, he has to show up or I'll personally put a bullet through his head." Evan told her sister and brother while she carried her bags.

"Undoubtedly, I know the breed, he may be a cowboy, but his word is his word." Jonathan said and walked besides his sisters.

"Personally, I think he's filthy, rude and a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit." Evelyn said.

"I for once disagree with you." Evan muttered under her breath.

"Anyone I know?" O'Connell asked. The three siblings turned to see O'Connell walks up; shaved, showered, spit and polished, with a new haircut and clothes. He looks more dashing and handsome than ever. Evelyn is suitably impressed.

"You clean up well." Evan told O'Connell who looked at her.

"Oh...um...hello." Evelyn greeted the charming man. Jonathan grabs O'Connell's arm and shakes his hand.

"Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?" Jonathan said to O'Connell.

"Yeah, smashing." O'Connell said and quickly checked his pockets.

"Oh no, no. I would never steal from a partner, partner." Jonathan said. Evan rolled her eyes.

"Don't listen to him. He steals from everyone, even his own sisters." Evan said earning a glare from Jonathan and a chuckle from O'Connell. Evelyn, recovering, she clears her throat.

"Mister O'Connell, can you look me in the eye, and guarantee me this is not some sort of flimflam? Because if it is, I'm warning you-" Evelyn didn't even finish because O'Connell cut her off. O'Connell steps up close to Evelyn, invading her space looks her straight in the eye. Evelyn backs away slightly.

"You are warning, me?" O'Connell asked and Evan glared at him.

"Okay then, I'm warning you." Evan said and O'Connell turned to her and stepped towards her.

"All I can tell you, miss, is that my Colonel found that map in an ancient fortress, and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. Like I told ya, all I saw was sand. Everybody else was wiped out by Tuareg warriors. I'll take your bags." O'Connell said and grabbed Evan's bags. Evan noticed he took her bag with weapons so she followed him.

"Hey, come back here!" Evan said and ran to catch up with him.

"Yes, yes, you're right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel, nothing to like there at all." Jonathan said as he saw his sister go after O'Connell.


Evan was siting on a table, staring out over the passing river. The gunny-sack drops onto the table making Evan turn to O'Connell.

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