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Chapter Twenty One

(Sunday) Shortly after waking up around ten thirty, Robin's house phone had rung. Her parents were home, so they picked up before Robin could. She prayed that it wasn't River, because whenever he called she always picked up first, not her parents. But she listened in on the conversation from the top of the stairwell.

"Hello?" her mother answered the phone. "Yes, this is the Skye household- uh huh- yes... you wanted to speak with Robin? Oh, that's great! Yes, I'm sure she'd be glad, let me get her on the phone first, she's somewhere upstairs."

Her mother pressed her hand against the receiver to muffle the loudness of her voice as she beckoned Robin to the phone from downstairs. From the excited waver in her mother's voice, Robin figured that whoever was on the phone was probably not River. So Robin came down the stairs and ran up to her mother's side, taking the phone from out of her hands. Her mother didn't move out of the way and stood beside Robin, a proud smile lighting up her face as she waited for Robin to speak.

"Hello?" Robin said into the phone.

"Hi!" a familiar and friendly voice answered the phone. It was Mathilde, the older lady who worked at the bookstore from yesterday. "This is Mathilde from the bookstore yesterday. You applied for an application and my boss finally got the chance to review it."

Robin bit her lip to refrain from squealing girlishly and ruining the professional, mature image she wanted to portray,

"Really? That's great!"

Mathilde chuckled warmly,

"Yes, and she quite enjoyed reading your application. She'd like to see you in for an interview on Monday after school."

"Wow, that's- that's great, gee thanks, I-"

"So what time would be right for you?"

"Uh, well, it's not that far from my school and I've got nothing to do after school, so is two thirty okay?"

"Fabulous. We'll see you then, huh, honey?" Mathilde cooed, and Robin nodded excitedly, yipping,

"Yeah! Thank you so much!"

She hung up on Mathilde after saying goodbye, clapping to herself.

"So, looks like you've got a good chance of getting the job. That's great honey, I'm proud of you for going down there," her mother smiled, her voice honeyed and her eyes warm.

"Thanks mom," Robin beamed, leaning forward on her tippy toes to embrace her mother in a soft hug.

"So, you think you got any time to hang out with me and dad? You sure are a busy girl," her mother joked, eyes twinkling as she smiled.

Robin laughed, waving a lazy hand in the air,

"Of course. I've always got time to spend with you guys. We haven't really hung out recently since we moved here, we always used to."
This made Robin's mom pout as she remembered how they used to always spend the weekends doing activities together as a family, sometimes with Ariella's family. Now that things were different, Robin had to focus more on her school life and living the life of a normal teenager who had a job. She was ready to be fully committed, although she knew that getting a job would distance her from her friends, even more from River, who she was just getting closer to. She wished she could stop being paranoid. She'd even accepted that she liked him, she just didn't want anything to come out of it. She was too focused on keeping her own wall up.

"Anyway, what is it that you want to do today?" Robin asked.

The rest of the day was a breeze, spent in a dimly-lit Ron's bowling alley and eating vanilla ice cream and pizza. Robin felt at home having spent her entire day with her family. She hadn't seen or heard from River for the entire day, and he hadn't called, at least to her knowledge. Her head hit the pillow first thing when she got home, and she lolled into a deep sleep. 

I know this chapter is super short and sorry for the LOOOONG wait for an update. I've got some excited stuff planned, just don't know where in the book to put it! I don't want this book to go on and on, at least not past sixty or so chapters. Even sixty is a stretch!!! Also, might be doing some minor editing and detail changes, like the amount of time between certain events in the book just to make Robin and River's relationship development seem more realistic!!! Love u guys and thanks for sticking with my crappy updating. 

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